Chapter 22

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Have you ever experienced the true form of joy that somehow when you bumped into people in the street, you just wanna greet them?

I know I do, because I remember the day I was genuinely happy was before my parent's death. I would go to school with so much energy and enthusiasm that it radiates to every single person in the same room with me.

Going home was the most anticipated things I waited everyday just because as I open the door to my house, the beautiful, familiar scent of my mum's cooking and the oddly, comforting smell of father's pipe.

"Sweetheart, you're home." I remember my mum would say and I would grin. It was the most beautiful scene to witness, a conversation between loving families.

Due to the starting of school, I realized that I need to be more focus and prepared for graduating.

As many of my times are spent on trying to find good words to start an essay on the admission of colleges and stuff, I had no time to spend with Joel and deep in my heart I know he was affected by this too, but pretty much can't do anything about it other than talking it out.

We talked every night before sleep or in the day when he would be waking up early just to talk to me. I miss him so much, I didn't realize it until now.

"Oh, Dhianna!" I heard someone calling me from distance and when I turned around, I saw Yoandri and Christopher, along with Zabdiel walking towards me, excitement clear on their faces.

"Tell me I'm crazy or that you're actually excited for school." I asked, as soon as they're in front of me.

Their face falls and trust me, it was priceless.

"We're excited..." Chris said.

" see," Zabdiel continues.

"..YOU!" Yoandri ends the sentence.

I laughed, "Woah, suddenly you're now three-musketeers. Impressive how a 2-months-holiday would change you a lot."

They all laughed too and somehow deep in my dark heart I wonder too how so much could happen in the span of two months.

Truly, I'd become a totally different person after I was raped. There I said it.

I'd become this person I've never been before and the people around me changed too. They somehow changed for the better.

Mariana keep it low with Erick, Christopher, Yoandri and Zabdiel had been so close to me, it annoys me sometimes and Joel. My smiling sweetheart Joel, are coming close to becoming my whole world.

We talked every night, skype every day, but the joy of seeing each other wasn't there you know? I know Joel was affected by this too, but he said nothing, and I feel bad.

I feel bad for making him feel like he's not my boyfriend because truly, I think I'm not putting much effort into this.

Maybe because I was not ready or that I'm just scared. Scared to let myself loose in this whole relationship. The only thing I know is that feeling is there. I know I love him.

Lunch was pretty boring today, Mariana seems to be in her own world while Erick is out of sight. I think they're in a fight. I made a mental note to ask Mariana about it later.

Classes after that was boring as usual, World History, AP Calculus and also PE.

Not really my thing so when the bell rung, I quickly make my way to my car and get in.

As usual, the day was sunny as always. Fall has finally come and I couldn't be grateful. My favourite season of the year.

When I was about to start the engine to my car, I heard my phone chimed and I pull it out of my pocket only to find I have a new text unknown number?

I unlocked my phone and when I saw the text, I froze.

..and instantly knew who is this.

I blinked and took a deep breathe as my steady heartbeat turned into a frenzy fest and I was shaking.

I looked around from inside my car for maybe a slight sight of him but all I see was nothing except a mass of people hanging out in the parking lot.

I was still shaking and a tear escaped my eyes. In the nick of time, I turned into this coward I never knew existed.
The text only said a simple; miss me, baby girl?

But a sudden replay of that night played at the back of my head leaving me reeling and gasping of air, as I was trying to breathe.

He was near.

He's right around me.

He's coming for me.

So I did what I need to do, with shaky hands and tears stained cheeks, I drive home so fast it almost knocked Yoandri who was walking my way.

I need to go home.

And run away from him.

I need to.

At that point of time, I wish Joel was here.


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