Chapter 14

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"..Dhianna." he said as he smirked, "Still remember me?"

"Austin, what do you want from me? I thought we're over with." I said, walking further away from him.

"...oh, Dhianna, we're over with but..." he started, "I could never get enough of you and your beautiful face."

He smirked and I looked at him in disgust, "Go away, Austin. We have nothing anymore. Stay away from me."

I quickly grabbed my keys and when I was trying to get inside the car, he grasped my hand so hard, the key was knocked out of my hand.

"You're not running away from me, anymore, beautiful. Because we belong together." He said, dangerously.

I was shaking uncontrollably at the sight of this man in front of me, I was leaning on my back, on the car, when he tried to kiss me. I quickly turned my face and he kissed my cheek.

Suddenly, his eyes turned dark and he looked at me with danger in his gaze.

"Let me go, Austin. Let me GO!" I screamed.

"Scream, baby girl, scream. No one could hear you, now that it's night. Didn't your parents teach you girls not to go out more than 9 PM?" He said, while laughing.

"HELP!" I screamed and he picked me over his shoulder and run towards the woods. I, who was trashing and beating his back, was slapped so hard when he put me on the forest floor.

I was shocked when he slapped me, but when he was opening his pants and shirt, I screamed my hearts out and tried to get up but this only fueled his anger.

He slammed his body on me as he carressed my face. "You're so beautiful, without or with makeup."

"Unfortunately," he said, "You're being difficult so I might ruin that beautiful face. If you want a messed up look tomorrow, try fighting more."

Suddenly, he did whatever he wished to do and I cursed the world and the mankind at how cruel it is treating me.

But before he could kiss me again, his weight was lifted off me, and as soon as I could recover, I saw a tall figure kicking and punching Austin until he can barely breathe. Lastly, the figure kicked him in the stomach and he fell, face first on the forest floor.

I was still crying, half-naked on the ground, so when the figure approached me, I quickly run, with pain between my legs, behind the trees.

"'s me." The figure said and I instantly recognized the voice. It's Joel.

"Go away! Leave me alone!" I screamed, disgusted by the state I'm in.

"I'm not leaving you alone here, Dhianna. Come out, please. I'll take you home." He said, still approaching me and I run farther away from me.

When I thought he gave up, he didn't. He called Mariana and after 10 minutes of me rocking back and forth, crying, she walked towards me and I let her.

She hugged me so tight and I cried on her shoulder. I cried so hard I think I ruined her shirt. But she doesn't seem to care. All the time I was crying, she would just shut up while saying 'You're okay,' once in a while.

After about half an hour of me sitting, half naked, still in Mariana's embrace, she gave me a clean clothes, to replace my torn one. I quickly changed and sit back on the ground.

"Dhianna, let me take you home." Joel finally said after about an hour of silence.

"Tell him to go, Mariana. Please. Please take me home." I pleaded and Mariana got up to talk to Joel and in the dark, I saw him walking away and Mariana helped me get up.

The pain in between my legs was overwhelming but I shrugged it off and walked towards Mariana's car. She told me she would tell Erick to pick it up but I refused because I don't want anyone to know about this, so she just nodded.

The drive home was quiet, only the sound of me sobbing clear in the surrounding. I cried and cried and cried until I couldn't even see anymore.

Ten minutes later, we arrived at my house and I sent a quiet plea to god that there's nobody's car in my driveway. I sighed in relief.

Mariana helped me get out of my car and when I was walking inside the house, I saw Chris and Joel standing in my living room, their face lit up when they saw me.

"I TOLD YOU TO GO HOME, JOEL! WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN MY HOUSE?" I screamed, suddenly, still disgust at how he found me.

Joel nodded and just walked out of my house while giving me a glance. It was sympathy.

I walked up the stairs slowly and to my room where I got into the shower and scrubbed all the dirt that asshole left on me. I scrubbed my body so hard, it was red all over.

Suddenly, it hit me hard. I'd lost my virginity unwillingly and it was to a demon I used to love.

I fall to the cold hard floor of the bathroom, with water streaming down my naked body. I was just staring at the cold wall in the bathroom that I don't even know the hot water trickling down my face is actually my tears or the shower.

"Dhianna, are you okay in there or I need to break down the door?" I heard Mariana's voice outside the bathroom and I looked up at the door, staring at it, dumbly.

"Dhianna." Her voice has a hint of panic.

"I'm fine." Was the only thing I said and it comes out naturally because I've been doing it so much, i got used to it.

After finishing my shower, I got ready for bed and when I was about to cry again, I heard noises from outside. It was Joel and Mariana.

When I was just about to screamed at him to go out again, their conversations got me dead on track.

"..Thank you, Joel. For saving her. I don't know what could happen if you wasn't there." Mariana said.

"...please just make sure she eats and talk. It'll eat her up and I understand she don't want to see me but please." Joel said.

"We will." Mariana replied.

And with that I put my head on the pillow, lost myself in the tears of sorrow and eventually fall asleep into nightmares

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