Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

I wake up with a pounding headache, which I expected as I finished each glass of wine last night. That may have also been an attempt to get out of this meeting today.

I force myself out of bed and trudge to the kitchen, and put on the coffee before sliding across the hall into the bathroom. I turn on the shower onto hot water and throw my hair up in a bun. I peel off my pajamas and step into the scolding hot water, providing an amazing wake up.

By the time I have my coffee, so my hair and makeup and scroll through Instagram and twitter I have 10 minutes before I need to leave. Last night my drunken self had a debate over whether to wear sweats or something hot and tease the shit out of him. I decided to go with the latter, and wear my deep red Chanel dress with a lace back until the small of my back, no sleeve just thick straps. It clings nicely to my body, emphasizing my assets. I pair it with black heels and a white blazer before grabbing a small purse and the files that he requested.

I give the driver the address that Addison sent me, and we end up pulling up in front of a tall glass building with people in suits running in and out. I gulp as I step out of the car, pay the driver and walk up the stone steps and through the heavy glass doors into the modern building. Everything is black or white with dark wood flooring as well as some areas of tiling. In the elevator, I hit the top floor, receiving curious looks from the other patrons, most of which look away as I meet their stares.

The elevator dings and the doors slide open to reveal a reception area similar to the one downstairs, although this one mainly black marble with a few white chairs and a white reception desk. The blonde receptionist smiles at me as I take steps towards her and straightens herself out.

"Hello, how may I help you?" She sounds like a robot, everything about her perfect other than her messy hair.

"I'm meeting Mr. Styles." I say and she raises an eyebrow in disbelief.

"Is this meeting scheduled?" She challenges and I narrow my eyes.

"Yes, it is. I'm Hailey, we're meeting about the Burberry collection." I say and she blushes and looks at her computer before looking back up at me.

"You can go right in. Turn right and go straight down the hall. Knock first." She says with a sigh before collapsing back in her chair, as though this conversation exhausted her. I nod and flash her a fake smile before following her instructions and walking down the hall, straight up to big black doors. I knock first, and open the door.

"Ah, Hailey. What a pleasant surprise." His deep voice and accent greet me from across the room, a smirk growing on his face as his eyes scan me up and down.

"Hello Mr Styles. I brought the collection, if you want to take a look at it." I'm at least going to at least try to keep this conversation professional, even though I can already tell he doesn't want to.

"Very well. Take a seat, love." He says with a grin and motions to the seat across from him. I nod and walk over, smoothing my dress as I sit. I place the binder down and he surprises me by standing up and walking around the table, taking the seat next to me. He sends me a smirk which I don't return and I flip open the collection binder.

"You can go through and tell me if anything interests you and we'll order it and style it. But you've worked with Addison before so you know how it all works." I say with a forced smile and a sigh while sitting back and pushing the binder towards him. He takes it in his hand and places it on his lap, his eyes skimming each page before flipping to the next. Each time he points to something I put a sticky note on it until we get to the end. "Alright. Addison will probably contact you when it's all in." I say, trying to scurry to the exit.

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