Chapter 37 (Christmas Special Pt. 1)

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Christmas Special
Dedicated to: -voidstiles and februaryy23 bc u da real MVPs voting for all those chapters

A/N I was planning on having another chapter before this but my computer has been funky so I decided I'll post a Christmas special which obviously takes place at Christmas! This chapter will be leading up until the morning of Christmas Eve and the following chapter will consist of the rest of Christmas Eve as well as Christmas Day. The story will then continue, with flashbacks to explain what had happened in the space of time that has passed!

ALSO, you guys are crazy mother fuckers. While I wrote this the story gained 3k more reads. Thank you, you weirdos.


Harry's POV
3 days before Christmas

Shit. Shit shit shit shit.

Christmas is in three days and I haven't bought Hailey a single thing.

I should've seen this coming. I should have planned ahead. But instead, here I sit stalking her twitter favorites hoping there's a hint to something she wants. Anything, really.

I know one thing that I want to get her for sure...and it is somewhat for my benefit but still.

Obviously lingerie.

Other than that, I have no clue.

"Harry," Kate's voice interrupts my stare on my laptop screen as I scroll through pages and pages of girls wishlists, hoping to find something.

"Yeah?" I answer tiredly, rubbing my hands over my face.

"Still Christmas shopping?" She laughs and I nod lazily, glancing at her.

"Do you have any clue what she wants?" I ask, looking back at my screen and copying the link to some makeup brand. Apparently all girls want dark lipstick so that can go in her stocking.

"I think you're overthinking it. I know you want to spoil the shit out of her because you can, but I think something sentimental will get the same, or an even better reaction." She answers, crossing her arms and rocking on her heels.

"Do you have something in mind?" I arch an eyebrow, leaning back in my chair.

"What's your job?" She asks and I remain confused for a moment before answering.

"Song writing and producing..." I answer, not knowing where she's going with this.

"And you have an amazing voice yourself. Now use that to your advantage." She grins and my smirk grows as I think, nodding my head.

"Book a studio."


Hailey's POV
2 days before Christmas

My final gift for Harry finally arrived and I can finally relax. Of course the last gift to arrive would be the main gift.

The true struggle was trying to figure out what to get him. We had decided to fill stocking for each other as well, so I went with a few beanies, a lot of candy and a new pair of Ray Ban sunglasses, knowing they're his favorite type.

As for other gifts, it was more difficult. Luckily, I thought ahead of time and didn't procrastinate, so I had more time to think.

1) Obviously Lingerie.

While I would be the one wearing it, he would be the one enjoying it.

2) A new leather journal. Specially engraved. Cost a hell of a lot more than it should have.

3) I may or may not have done a bit of shoot. I took advantage of the lingerie.

Other than that I bought a few random things. A lot of flannels, hoping to give him the hint that I really like lumberjack-Harry.

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