Chapter 33

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Chapter 33

"Are you coming to my place?" Harry asks quietly, his fingers trailing up and down my arm that rests over his stomach.

"I can't, I have to go grocery shopping and clean up before I go back to work tomorrow. Plus, I think Tyler and Troye will want to hang out." I answer and he pouts his bottom lip in a frown.

"Will I get to see you tomorrow?" He asks and a small smile graces my lips as I nod.

"Of course." I peck his clothes chest and he hums in satisfaction before returning his attention to the newspaper in front of him. The plane should be landing soon. It's been a long flight, but luckily neither of us rejected the idea of cuddling.

"We should grab lunch with Zayn and Perrie sometime." I announce, the thought coming to my head as I think of work.

"If you want to, that's fine." He nods, smiling. "And by the way, Louis was curious as to whether we were free on Friday night." He mentions and I think for a moment before nodding.

"Yeah, I'm free. Did he make plans?" I ask.

"He said something along the lines of drinks and then a club. Eleanor wants to properly meet you." He tells me and I smile, remembering briefly meeting the couple at Ed's show.

"That'd be lovely." I kiss his cheek and lay my head against his chest, a kiss to the top of my head soon coming after.


Harry leads the way off the plane and towards the waiting car as our bags are loaded into the trunk. I stop to thank the inflight crew, ignoring his impatient tugging on my hand until I finish.

He opens the passenger door and I quietly thank him, watching as he walks around the drivers side and settles into his seat. He soon pulls out off of the runway and through security, turning onto the highway.

I sift through his CD's as he drives, waiting for something to catch my eye. "Babe?" I hear him and I slowly look up, seeing him keep his attention on the road.

"Hmm?" I ask, holding the stack of cases still in my lap as he shifts lanes.

"Are you hungry? We can stop somewhere." He offers and I shrug, indifferent.

"I'm alright, but we can stop if your hungry." I reply and he shakes his head, smiling at me for a moment.

"I'm alright too, I was just checking." He says and I nod, turning my head back down to the CD's to see an album by The 1975, immediately popping it into the CD player and adjusting the volume.

Harry grabs my hand before it can return to it's resting place, intertwining our fingers before lifting our hands to his mouth, kissing the back of mine. His eyes remain on the road the entire time, his face light with simple happiness. "Mine." He says, and I pull his hand to my lips and copy the gesture.

"Mine." I repeat, his mouth breaking out into a proud smile that he tries to hide by biting his lip in the most adorable way.


I walk toward my apartment with Harry in tow, holding onto my hand as he mumbles about wanting me to stay with him. I stop in front of my door, pulling my keys out.

I immediately feel Harry rest his hands on my hips from behind, nuzzling his head in the space between my neck and shoulder.

"I don't want you to go." He mumbles, his mouth against my sweater which muffles his words. I giggle, running my hand through his hair.

"Harry I have things to do. I promise I'll see you tomorrow." I laugh and he shakes his head, huffing and he pushing his head deeper. "Babe c'mon I have to go grocery shopping before it closes." I try to lift his head but he pushes it down harder, his lips pressed against my skin on my neck to let me feel his frown.

"But I miss you already." He says quietly and my heart leaps. I personally am finding him really adorable at the moment.

I find the strength to spin around and take a step back, placing my hands on his chest to stop him as he tries to grab onto me, his eyes pleading.

"I'll call you before I go to sleep." I offer and he nods, biting his lip as his eyes look saddened. "I love you." I smile and peck his lips, making him smile a bit.

"I love hearing you say that. And I love you too, baby." He whispers against my lips before pecking me once more and I push at his chest with a laugh. "I'll be waiting by my phone!" He calls over his shoulder I laugh, waving before entering my apartment.


I aimlessly push my cart down the cereal aisle, tossing in a box of Lucky Charms. I find myself in a debate between regular Cheerios and Honey Nut when another cart crashes into mine, causing it to jam into my hip.

I huff and lift my head to see the familiar face of Harry, fighting back a grin as his chest shakes with laughter.

"Oh hey babe! I didn't see you there! What're you doing here?" He asks innocently and I roll my eyes, fighting back a laugh of my own.

"Did you just come because you knew I would be here?" I cross my arms and watch as he bits his lip, shaking his head, but I see his cart is empty.

"Of course not! I was simply perusing for a breakfast delight when our carts magically crashed together!" He gestures with his hands to show our carts hitting each other and then an invisible explosion. "Now, ma'am, I must be going to ensure I get the ripest bananas." He excuses himself before scurrying away, leaving me confused as to what just happened.

After eventually shaking off the strangeness of my boyfriend, I make my way to the snack aisle. I stop to look over the options for flavors of goldfish crackers when something hits my head.

"What the hell?" I mutter, looking behind me to see a bag of pretzels on the ground that must have fallen off the top shelf.

Not long after turning around, the boxes in front of me slide apart and Harry's face peaks through, a grin on his face. "Oh hi love! How is shopping going?" I can't help but giggle at him, reaching up to grab the bag of pretzels that clearly fell because of him, and I throw them into his face, his eyes squinting shut.

"You're a dumbass." I giggle, shaking my head at him.

"While you're looking over the snacks I have a recommendation." He announces and I nod for him to continue. "There is an amazing snack called Harry Styles that you can take home FOR FREE. I've heard nothing but wonderful things." He speaks adamantly and I find myself in a trance, confused by how his mind works.

"Harry I love you but I'm afraid you won't fit in a plastic grocery bag." I shrug and he frowns.

"I can offer you a 30 day free trial?" He says quietly, his eyes saddened and I find myself giving in.

"Fine, but if I'm unhappy with the product then I will ship it back to England." I give in completely and it's completely worth it to see his eyes lighten and his boyish smile spread, his dimples showing before he suddenly disappears.

Strong arms wrap around my waist and I am comforted by his scent, warming my senses.

"I promise you will give me a 5 star review."



1) New album. FOUR. Free single. FIREPROOF. New single. STEAL MY GIRL.

These things lead to my death so I was unable to physically update yesterday. Also, wattpad decided to kindly not save my draft so I had to rewrite multiple times AGAIN. Execute me if that happens again.

2) We've reached over 1K reads which is amazing and I cannot thank you enough. If my homework load is light this week then I will do another short update and then my regular update next weekend!


5 votes and 3 comments!

Comment idea: leave your favorite songs at the moment and I may make it the song of the chapter!

Vote and comment!!!! xoxo

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