Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

After checking my phone and receiving several texts from Troye, I realized that I never called Tyler. Knowing him, he's probably still waiting.

"You little bitch where have you been?!?!" His voice comes through the phone in a scream and I hold my phone away from my ear.

"Chill out. Troye said to call you." I say, struggling to hold my phone while pulling off my dress and pulling an oversized tshirt over my head. I throw my hair into a ponytail while he responds.

"Right...oh I remember! What the hell is going on with you mr sexy?!" He asks and I freeze. How does he know?

"Nothing...." I lie, not even believing it myself. Although nothing is going on....I guess. Kind of. We kissed tonight. I wouldn't forget that.

"Bullshit. I was your subtweets on twitter the other night. And props to you for being philosophical and keeping your pants on!" He says and I laugh, walking into the kitchen.

"Of course you did....and why wouldn't my pants be on, Mr Oakley?" I cork an eyebrow even though it's a phone call.

"Because it's mr sexy. The Mr Sexy. Mr Sexy Styles. Any other girl would gladly take her pants off and open them to him." He says and I narrow my eyes, a knot forming in my chest.

"Anyway, what do you want to know." I change the subject slightly, and he sighs.

"Everything." He states and I laugh, pulling a grape from the bunch on the counter.

"We went out to lunch and then tonight we went to a club opening. It's nothing." I say, and he cackles through the phone.

"Oh honey, it's something. Trust me." He says through his strange laugh and I roll my eyes.

"Whatever Tyler. Tell Troye I said hi. Goodnight!!" I say and he agrees before hanging up. That boy is insane.


The weekend passes quickly, as usual. 2 days is not enough. It should be 2 day work weeks and 5 day weekends. That would be amazing.

Harry and I texted back and forth after exchanging numbers, and we have tenative plans for sometime after work this week. Honestly I couldn't get him off my mind. I started off the week thinking he was a pushy jerk who thought he was the best person ever and ended it kissing him in a nightclub and then watching chick flicks. Who woulda thought.

"Addison wants you to drop this by Styles's office as soon as possible." Perrie marches into my office and slaps a file down on my desk. "It's the collection line ups for 3 more designers he wanted. Tell him he can go through it on his own time if he would like and then send it back" She says without looking up from the stack of papers she holding. Her hair is back in a ponytail but stray pieces are falling out.

"Okay, but do one thing for me." I say and she nods, looking up briefly. "Go get a damn coffee and chill out." I laugh and she smiles and nods again before leaving. I put the file into my purse and stand up, smoothing out my dark purple long sleeved dress and pull out my phone. I should give him a heads up that I'm coming...just incase he's doing something stupid. Why do I always have to think like that? I'm psychotic.

To: Harry Styles 10:46

Do you mind if I come by and drop off the collection file?

I don't think he'll have a problem with it, but he may be in a meeting or something.

From: Harry Styles 10:47

That's fine, you can bring it directly to my office. I don't have time to chat today though. xx.

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