Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

When I wake up his arms are still wrapped around me, legs twisted together. I'm still only wearing a bra and panties while he managed to put his boxers back on. I struggle to get out of his grip enough to reach his t-shirt and pull it over my head. I glance back at Harry, who's still sound asleep. His eyes are shut and his mouth parted open, all signs of anger and stress gone. He looks young.

I sit up and straddle his waist leaning down and pecking his lips before resting my cheek against his. "Harry...wake up..." I speak quietly, and he begins to stir but doesn't wake up.

I groan before getting off him and hopping off the bed. I take the stairs one at a time and pad into the kitchen. I'll make breakfast, I guess. I pull open the fridge and take out the eggs and milk as well as orange juice for myself, and coffee creamer for Harry. I go through the cupboards until I find the coffee pods, and put one in the Keurig and putting a pan on the stove. I grab my phone from my bag that I dropped on the floor last night, checking my texts.

From: Dad 9:26
Still flying home next weekend? Love you.

Shit. I completely forgot. It was a last minute trip. I decided to go home while I was crying over Harry. Shit. Harry. He won't mind, I'm sure. We haven't made plans for the weekend anyway.

To: Dad 9:38
That's the plan. Love you too.

I send it quickly before turning my attention back to the eggs and scrambling them. I hear walking upstairs and Harry jogging down the stairs, letting out a breath when he sees me. My back's still to him as he comes up and wraps his arms around my, nuzzling his face in my hair.

"Good morning, babe." He pecks my cheek and his curls tickle my face, making me giggle.

"Good morning. Your coffee's waiting for you." I tell him while mixing up the eggs.

"Mmmm coffee and eggs. What did I do to deserve this?" He says before kissing the top of my head and moving away to the coffee.

"Absolutely nothing, you were asleep and I was hungry. You could have gotten something better if you had woken up this morning," I tease with a wink and he narrows his eyes at me over the brim of the mug. "Kidding." I tell him just as he begins to set the mug down and he relaxes, picking it back up.

"It's not nice to tease, Miss Clark." He jokes back and I laugh. I finish the eggs and scoop them onto two separate plates. I carry them as well as the bacon and condiments over to the rarely used dining room table. I place them down and plop in my seat, Harry following closely behind and taking the seat adjacent to me.

"Enjoy." I smile before taking a bite, him doing the same. I examine his facial expression as he chews, his lips turning up in a smile.

"Delicious." He says before taking another bite, and I bite back my grin.

"What are your plans for today?" I ask him while taking a sip of orange juice.

"I'm meeting Ed and some other guys for a writing and producing session around noon." He says before sipping his coffee, and I nod.

"Sounds like fun. Do you have a lot of work this week?" I know I have an average load, not too much. I still need to tell him about New York. Like I said, I don't think he'll mind.

"A lot of meetings and business dinners with potential clients," he shrugs, taking another bite. No dinner with Harry this week, I suppose. "The problem is keeping the media out of it." He mumbles, furrowing his eyebrows at the idea.

"You're literally the only music producer or writer that seems to be in magazines constantly." I say, knowing it's true. I had taken more notice to it recently. No one cared about the old guys, just Harry.

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