Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Fashion week is officially over. No more glamorous events or champagne glasses. Just paperwork, styling jobs and coffee. Lots and lots of coffee.

Perrie had delivered 7 client files this morning for me to go through , meaning I would be at my desk for the next 2 work days. I decided that I would try to have some fun with it and play music and eat candy and would probably order in, which apparently no one had a problem with.

23 by Miley Cyrus has just started playing when my phone rang, and I turned it down before answering.

"Hello?" I twirl the line around my finger absentmindedly, waiting for a response.

"Hello Miss Clark?" A chipper voice responds, sounding fairly familiar.


"It's Kate from Mr Styles office. Mr Styles asked me to call you and say he approves of the order." When she says her name I remember her from reception. She seemed nice. But I didn't like what she said after her name. Why couldn't he call me himself?

"Okay, is he busy right now?" I feel my gut clenching and I try to ignore it.

"He's working in his office and he asked not to be disturbed, I'm sorry." She sounds sympathetic, but I shake my head at myself.

"Alright, it's not important. Whatever, thanks, Kate." I try to be polite but fail drastically.

"No problem, should I have him call you back?" She asks, and I debate it for a moment.

"No, it's alright." I decide. If he wants to he will.

What am I saying?

"Okay, have a nice day." She says and I return it before we both hang up. Brutal.

I can't help but be somewhat disappointed that he had his receptionist call me. He can't be that busy. He never does any work when I see him or go to his office. He can pick up the phone and call or text me.


Harry's POV

So much shit. So so so much shit. I have no motivation to do any of it other than the fact that it's for important clients. 2 groups and 1 single artist want new albums. 2 solo artists want new songs. 15 tracks need my approval. 3 new clients to sign.

I don't even know where this shit comes from.

I've been stuck in my office all day, basically forcing myself not to leave. I turned my phone on airplane mode so I would stop getting notifications with stupid shit like a broken copier or receptionist out sick. I don't give a shit. I basically played music from it and left it on the corner of my desk while going through the 50 billion papers that require my signature.

My focus gets disrupted when the door slams open and Kate walks in, her arms crossed.

"Didn't I tell you to leave me the fuck alone?" I growl, but she goes unphased as she stands infront of my desk.

"Call the damn girl back and apologize for sending your assistant to do your dirty work and take her out to dinner. Send her some damn chocolates and flowers and stop being a hard ass." She says harshly, and I have to blink a few times before understanding.

"Hailey?" I ask, the confusion clear in my tone.

"Clearly unless there are other chicks your whipped on!" She says with a laugh and I frown.

"I'm not whipped." I state and she laughs again.

"Oh yes you are. Now talk to her and do not dare say I told you this. This comes from you. The girl is probably pissed you didn't call after your date and instead had me call about some business shit." She says and I scowl at her.

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