Chapter 23

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Important Authors Note at the end!

Chapter 23

I couldn't help but feel selfish every time my mind drifted away from Mary. We're in the hospital for her, I should be focused on her. I should. I know I should. But every time I hear his voice or see his curly hair or green eyes I can't help but drift away.

My thoughts become absorbed with questions and new realizations. My newest is realizing how soon he said he loved me. We had only been dating for a week (nearly the entirety of it was spent apart) and we had only known each other for what? 2/3 months? Granted, a large part of that time was together, but I don't think it's possible to fall in love that fast.

The other part of my brain fights this thought, arguing with a statistic that I once saw that says it only takes a man .8 seconds to fall in love. Of course, I thought this was describing love at first sight, but this part of my brain had been fighting that it could be .8 seconds after they touch and he notices his love, or she says something and he notices his love in .8 seconds. So essentially, this strange part of my brain told me that love is always there, it just depends on when you decide to acknowledge it, or an event forces you to.

So from this, I have derived that it is possible that I love Harry and haven't acknowledged it (which I may be doing on purpose.) And it is possible that he loves me as well. I know he said he does, and I can't help but notice all the things he does that support it.

He looks at me differently now. A new emotion is present in his eyes whenever his eyes land on mine. If I make eye contact, he smiles. If I smile, he smiles. If I frown, he frowns. He's constantly reaching for me, which could just be a force of habit, and if he can't reach me or I shy away from him he frowns and shoves his hands in his pockets or moves closer and rests his hands on my hips while kissing the top of my head. He's constantly asking if I need anything or how I'm feeling. I can't describe these as anything but signals of love. It's impossible.

"Hailey, it's getting late. Would you like to go back to the hotel?" Harry speaks from behind me as I lean against the wall next to Mary's bed, where she sleeps peacefully. He places a hand on my hip, probably without even noticing he did it.

"Sure, what time is it?" He checks his watch and his eyes widen.

"It's only 8 o'clock here but that 1 in the morning London time." He explains and I nod, pulling myself off the wall and his hand slips to my other hip, so I can lean onto him.

"Dad, we're gonna head out." I say as we approach the door, and he nods.

"See you tomorrow honey. You too Harry, take care." He waves with a smile and Harry breaks our contact to shake hands with him before coming back to me with his coat in hand.

"It might be chilly out." He murmurs as he places it on my shoulders while we walk towards the elevators.

"Thanks." I say quietly when the doors open and we snake in, leaning again the wall. "I'm exhausted." I mumble, closing my eyes and resting my head on the steel siding.

"I know, babe. The hotels pretty close, but we'll take a cab and you can sleep soon." He rubs his hand on my arm soothingly and I swear I would fall asleep right there if the doors didn't open. He hails a cab and we hop in, me immediately resting my head against the window until he wraps his arm around me and pulled me towards him, my head now against his arm.

At the hotel, he wraps an arm around my waist under his jacket that lays on my shoulders as we walk to the check in counter.

"Checking in for Styles." He says cooly, his thumb rubbing against my hip. The concierge taps away on the computer before taking a room key and setting it on the counter with a smile.

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