Chapter 35

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Chapter 35
Song of the Chapter: Ready To Run by One Direction
((I promise the updates will be coming regularly from now on+you can check out my other stories))
The dish was beautifully plated after Harry finished, and he insisted I didn't move a muscle as he cooked. He pulled a chair over to the counter so I could be near him and he could see me.
As we ate I complimented him on the amazing flavor and he told me about his day, becoming animated as he described his experience trying to fix the printer because Kate refused to do it, threatening to throw a heel at his head if he didn't do it himself.
"It was amazing babe, thank you." I peck his lips as I stand, him smiling up at me sweetly.
"You're staying over right?" He confirms and I nod, making him grin. "Good." He murmurs and I laugh, watching as he stands up in front of me, and I place a gentle palm on his chest.
"I'll clean up since you cooked." I tell him. He begins to shake his head but I stop him with gentle fingers under his jaw, stopping the movement. "I've got it." I confirm and he rolls his eyes.
"You're not doing it. Go up to my room I'll be there in a bit." He attempts to dismiss me, but I stop him with the crossing of my arms.
"You go to your room, child. Pick a movie or something." I sass back, not willing to back down. I turn on my heel before he can respond and walk to the sink, turning on the water in attempt to drown him out.
His overbearing presence looms for a moment and I feel his eyes burning into me for a solid two minutes as I hum to a mindless tune. When he doesn't leave, I slam my hand into the radio and start to sing loudly to the first song that comes on, which also happens to be Anaconda.
"This boy names Troy used to love in Detroit." I attempt to rap along, kicking my legs in spastic movements as I wash the dishes. I take a daring peak over my shoulder to see him grinning, his lip tucked between his teeth in an attempt to contain it but his dimples give it away. I sing along to the chorus and pretend I didn't see him.
I allow the water to run a bit more and soak my hands before suddenly turning around, sliding across the floor and shaking my hands in Harry's shocked face, the water spritzing over him. I burst out laughing, holding my stomach as I watch him whisk off the water from his skin using one finger at a time over dramatically.
"You think you're funny, huh baby?" It falls easily from his mouth but it still causes my heart to flutter and I feel myself blush as I continue laughing. "Hm?" He questions playfully, raising an eyebrow. I nod my head repeatedly and squinting my eyes closed as I laugh.
I feel his arms wrap around my legs and I'm lifted into the air, a shriek escaping as I open my eyes just as my body is thrown over his shoulder, a firm hand grasping my feet while his other rests right on my ass.
I didn't stop giggling and slapping his back until I was thrown down onto the bed, stopping as his body suddenly appears over mine, his eyes changing to hold lust, his tongue darting out to wet his lips.
"Harry?" I call him quietly, my voice significantly weaker than before.
"Hmm?" He answers, although his eyes remain scanning my body, lingering where our chest press against eachother. Instead of responding, I raise my hand and tilt his face to mine, not wasting time as I connect our lips.
We fall into our now familiar movements, my hands tangled in his hair as our tongues battle for dominance and he ultimately wins. I wrap my legs around his waist and he growls, his hands firmly grabbing my hips before moving to pull off my pants, my hands pulling at the hem of his shirt until he got the hint and pulled it off himself.
Within minutes our clothes were on the floor and we were tangles in the sheets. His hand traces down from its grip in my hair down my neck, a soft touch lingering over my collar bone and down the expanse of my chest, stopping to softly squeeze my breast and earn a moan. He continues letting his fingers drift over my stomach, causing me to shutter from the gentle touch. As he reaches where I ache for him the most, he gentle rubs as he disconnects out lips, moving his face to the crook of my neck and placing gentle kisses, sucking on the skin every so often as I moan.
"H-Harry..." I stutter, licking my lips as I try to get my message across, my hands gripping his hair even harder than before. "Please," I beg, and his hands leave me as he moves away, coming back seconds later with a silver wrapper in between his teeth as he skillfully takes his boxers off, flicking them across the room. I watch as he tears open the condom and begins to roll it down his length, hardening as he glances at me, eyes lingering on my mouth and chest, panting heavily for him.
"Baby," he murmurs as he rolls back over me, his hand capturing the side of my cheek as he holds it gently, caressing it as he takes in every inch of my face, like he's committing it to memory. "You're so beautiful." He says quietly, as though he simply thought it and allowed for it to slip from his lips.
He suddenly reconnects our lips, pulling my bottom lip between his teeth as my greedy hands roam over his arms and back, grasping on as he lines himself up. He pulls back and rests his face in my neck again, a placement he seems to enjoy. Sounds escape from my lips as his hands roam over my chest again, teasing me before he suddenly pushes himself into me completely, air leaving my lungs.
A sharp breath is heard from him before a deep, sensual groan, which has me even more turned on just from the sound. My hands tighten around his strong arms which hold him up on either side of my head. He takes a moment before he slowly moves his hips, dragging out each motion and causing me to want more and more. I wrap my legs around his waist in an effort to take him deeper, and I do as he hits a spot that has me shaking repeatedly, my hips meeting his so I can feel it sooner.
"Hailey," he pants, lifting his head and resting his forehead against mine, green eyes watching me as I shake from his motions. His movements become faster and harder as he grasps my hips, controlling both of our motions. My nails scratch down his back before making their way to his curls, tugging in an effort to gain some leverage. I feel my stomach tightening as he continues, his fingers rubbing my nub to bring me to my earth shattering orgasm faster.
"Harry I'm close," I tell him in a gasp and he nods, telling me he is too.
He continues building us up until we burst simultaneously. I try to recover as quickly as possible to be able to watch him, watching as his face relaxes completely as he releases, his breathing picking up before settling. His eyes flutter closed and his mouth opens a big, his cheeks holding a healthy flush.
He looks like an angel.
My angel.
I would give you an excuse but instead I gave you smut. Happy Birthday.

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