Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

Songs of the Chapter: Hold my Hand: The Fray
Photograph: Ed Sheeran

Hailey's POV

My eyes flutter open due to the New York light shining through the curtains, and I groan and turn over, my face facing Harry. He sleeps peacefully on his back, my left hand still together with his right, just how it was last night.

Last night.

That was bad. A part of me knew that I would have a nightmare after Liam called yesterday -was that yesterday? It feels like forever ago- but when I didn't have one on the plane I thought I was safe. I guess I was wrong considering I woke up crying in the middle of the night. That was pretty bad.

"Mmmm," Harry hums and groans at the same time, turning on his side towards me with his eyes still closed. I watch as his eyes slowly open, the green lighting up dramatically when he sees me. "Good morning, princess." He grins lazily and I find myself blushing.

"Good morning." I smile and his eyes light up even more.

"How long have you been up?" He asks, looking over his shoulder at the clock to see that it is only 10 past 7.

"Only a few minutes." I reassure him and he nods, his thumb beginning to move across the back of my hand soothingly. "Do you want me to get the breakfast menu?" I ask as he just stares at me, not in a creepy way, more admiring.

"No." He shakes his hand, holding my hand tighter. He doesn't want me to leave. "We'll stop at Starbucks later." He adds and I nod, laying back down. "What time does the hospital allow visitors?" He asks, snuggling under the blanket and keeping our hands together.

"8. I would like to get there early and then we can go do something around lunch maybe. I don't want you to be bored." I mumble, feeling guilty that he was dragged into this.

"Don't worry about me, I don't mind. I chose to be here, remember?" He tilts my chin towards him so I look at him and he smiles. "Ed invited us to the studio, he's in town recording, if you feel like getting out of there. I told him I would leave it up to you." He offers, his fingers playing with mine. I love Ed.

"Oh my god I would love to! We can grab lunch and then go, maybe." I bite my lip to stop from squealing, but that doesn't stop a big smile from spreading on my face.

"Sounds perfect." He pecks my forehead and I feel my breathing hitch, all the memories of every time his lips have touched mine flooding back at once. "What's wrong?" He had pulled back by the time I snapped back into focus, and I blinked a few times before sitting up.

"Nothing, I'm gonna get ready though." I disconnect our hands, mine feeling empty as I walk towards the bathroom, grabbing a sweater and leggings from my bag as I go. I see Harry's reflection as I begin to close the door, him just staring down at his now empty hand and the spot that I laid. I close the door, hoping he can't hear the sound of my heart breaking just by seeing the expression on his face.


"I got your usual order, let me know if it's missing anything." Harry steps back into the hired car, handing me a coffee and bag with a muffin for each of us in it. I test a sip and it's delicious.

"It's perfect, thank you." I say with a small smile, and he just simply nods and instructs the driver to the hospital. He's barely spoken since I left the bed this morning and of course I feel guilty for that, knowing it's my fault.

In an attempt to cheer both of us up, I reach across and fold my hand over his lower arm by his wrist, loosely holding on as I sip his coffee. I see his eyes glance down at it and his lips turn up a bit, his eyes lightening. My lips curl up when I see his dimple, and I turn and watch the city as we drive by.

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