Chapter 34

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Chapter 34

Song of the Chapter: Out of The Woods by Taylor Swift (This is a joke)

"Nice to have you back." Addison greets me with a smile that I return as I lay the file down on her desk.

"Nice to be back." She nods, picking up the file. "That had the information about the dress you had me pick. It will be delivered here tomorrow, they just want you to look over the dimensions before finishing.

"Thank you, Hailey. Perrie has a bit of catch up work for you to do but it's mainly looking over designer's collections and seeing what we want for clients. I have the list of clientele events so just come up with some ideas for possible outfits for that, please." She explains, finishing with a smile and I nod, spinning on my heel and quietly closing the door before redirecting myself towards reception.

"Perrie?" I call her attention from the computer screen and she smiles at me. Luckily, she had already bombarded me when I arrived this morning, so I did not have to endure that again.

I quickly get the file from her before retreating into my office, my safe haven. I patter over to my desk and lift my phone, checking the time. 10:23. Harry said call anytime between 10:15 and 10:30.

"Hey baby." He answers after two short rings, bringing a smile to my face.

"Hi handsome. How's work?" I ask, reclining back in my chair, kicking my heels off and resting my feet on the desk.

"Boring. I've gotten a lot done though. How's yours?" He retorts.

"Relaxing. Other than Perrie asking a million questions this morning. She missed me a lot." I laugh and he chuckles before sighing.

"I miss you too." He mumbles, and I feel a faint blush creeping up on my neck. I'll never get used to him.

"I miss you too, but I'll see you in a few hours. You can handle it, you're strong." I hold back a giggle and he huffs.

"Do you want me to pick you up?" He questions and I shake my head before answering.

"No, I've gotta do some stuff at home first and Tyler's stopping by to drop something off, but I'll come over right after that." I explain and he sighs.

"Okay, love." He responds. "Do you want to go out to dinner or eat in?"

" in, if we're going to be going out with Louis and Eleanor later this week." I answer, smiling at the casualty of out conversation.

"I'll have takeout waiting for you when you get to my place." He pauses for a moment before sighing. "Kate wants me to say hi for her. She's been standing outside my office door and keeps peeking her waiting for me to sign some documents." I laugh at his tone, complete annoyance evident.

"Well tell Kate I say hi and I'll see her soon. Now go to work Mr Styles." I giggle and he chuckles a bit at the sound.

"Okay, fine. I love you, baby." He says in a soft tone, completely sentimental.

"I love you too. I'll see you later. Try not to miss me too much."

"Impossible." He replies and I laugh before hanging up, immediately diving back into my work to make the time go by faster.


"Hello you sexy taco." Tyler greets me as I answer my door, the now mint haired boy leaning against the door frame with his hands tucked into coat pockets.

"Hello my mint boy. Love the hair." I raise my eyebrows and sweep my arm through the air, signaling for him enter. He grins and runs his hand softly over his quiff, admiring it.

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