Chapter 38 (Christmas Special Part 2)

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Chapter 38
Hailey's POV

"Merry Christmas Eve, baby." Harry grins as he peaks up at me, resulting in a blush and giggles from me.

"Merry Christmas Eve, Harry." I smile and watch as he moves back up to lay next to me, letting out a deep sigh as he tosses an arm over me and cuddles against my back. "Thanks for the wake up."

"It's my pleasure." He murmurs before resting his head into the space between my head and shoulder, his lips against my neck. I close my eyes and simply feel as his breath consistently hits my skin, his lips occasionally kissing it softly. I tangle our legs together and make sure the blanket covers us both. "I'm not gonna sleep," he speaks suddenly, although his current position and slowing breathing says otherwise. "We need to leave here in an hour." He adds, and I simply nod but make no motion to move from this position.

I feel the air with my hand until I find his head, and I gently place it down on his hair, twisting the curls between my fingers. He lets out a low groan before moving his hand to stop mine. I tilt my
head to look at his questionably, just in time to see his eyes open and look at me brightly. "If you don't stop and go get ready we're never gonna make it in time." He says seriously and I giggle before pecking his lips and hopping up, knowing he's completely accurate.


As I finish getting ready, I latch on my anchor necklace from Mary, I admire the photo of Harry and his mother and sister sitting on the dresser in his room. Anne's white dress gives it away that it was taken at her wedding, the wedding I missed.

I couldn't have been more happy than after the dinner with the two of them, as well as with Robin, Harry's stepfather. Luckily, everything had gone smoothly.

Knowing I was spending Christmas with his family, I had made sure to get gifts for them all, most of them going along with what Harry was giving them. For Anne, Harry had a silver locket engraved with her initials on the front and a simple 'H&G' on the back, for Harry and Gemma. I found a wooden jewelry box online and Harry told me that she had been complaining about hers for a while now.

For Gemma, Harry bought her a Michael Kors bag and I bought a matching wallet. Harry was very stubborn about not wanting me to spend my own money but I was able to win that battle, miraculously.

For his stepfather, Harry bought a new grill (of course) so I got him the tools to clean it and new pair of tongs, as well as a nice sweater that Harry had recommended getting him.

They couldn't have been sweeter to me, automatically accepting me.

"Baby are you ready to go?" Harry's voice rings through the air as he calls up from downstairs.

"I'll be down in a second!" I respond, slipping my feet into my riding boots and pulling the zipper to the top.

As I walk towards him, Harry lifts his eyes from his phone and smiles, reaching his hand out and wrapping it around my back. "You look gorgeous." He says as he kisses my temple and I blush.

"Thank you, you look sexy in that flannel." I wiggle my eyebrows, making him laugh before he composes himself, mocking my eyebrow movement.

"Why, thank you. I feel like a lumberjack." I giggle at his statement as I pull on my jacket, lifting one of my bags.

I'm lumberjack Harry af.

"I'm going to put all the bags and gifts on a cart and bring it down. You can head down to the car now, it should be warm babe." He tells me, pulling the gold luggage cart away from the entrance, allowing me to make my way to the elevator.

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