Chapter 32

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Chapter 32

Song of the Chapter: Fireproof by One Direction (Obviously)

"I'll miss you honey." My dad says and he pats my back in our hug, making a sad smile grow on my face.

"I'll miss you too." I say quietly before pulling away, laughing as he wipes invisible tears from his eyes.

"Bye Hails." He laughs, and I wave once more to Liam and his mother. "Nice to meet you, Harry." He redirects his attention to Harry who stands by my side, and they exchange a firm handshake.

"Nice to meet you too, sir." He responds, dropping his hand.

"Take care of my daughter." My dad instructs seriously.

"Of course, I will." Harry replies without missing a beat, my heart fluttering.

When I woke up this morning our legs had been twisted together and his hand was loosely holding on to my forearm, until he suddenly let go and got dressed with few words, returning a half hour later with breakfast.

I've decided to wait to speak to him about thing until we're on the plane (mainly so he can't escape.)

Saying goodbye to Mary was difficult but I know that I will be speaking to her daily. Her and Harry had a small private conversation, and I'm happy they get along.

"Well you should probably get going." Liam sighs as he walks over for one last hug, which I embrace.

"Nice to see you, Li." I say with a small smile that he returns.

"Come visit anytime." He laughs before turning to Harry. "Keep this one under control." He jokes, the two of them slapping their hands together in a 'bro' shake.

"We'll see." Harry chuckles a bit, the first non-forced semi-laugh in the past day.

"Have a safe trip home guys." Liam says as we walk towards the elevators, this whole exchange having occurred in the hallway so Mary could sleep.

"Thanks. Love you!" I call over my shoulder and I hear varied replies as Harry and I enter the elevator, him sucking in a deep breath while clicking the button.

I feel my face fall as I think about going back to London. As much as I love it, it's far from home. Surely, I've seen them a lot these past two months, but it's not always like this.

"You okay?" Harry's voice scares me a bit, making me jump before quickly recovering, nodding my head.

"I just miss them." I mumble, tilting my head to the side to stretch. I glance at him to see his face still turned to look ahead, his eyes slipping to me for a moment before sighing.

"You'll see them soon and I'm sure you'll call them." He assures me and I nod, my body warming from his voice.

It's something magnificent, the affect his has on me. He's somehow able to constantly make me feel loved. Since the moment he told me he loved me there hasn't been a second that I truly doubted it. I surely doubted myself, but I never doubted his words, his love. Him.

He is able to soothe me in few words, his voice being enough for me to relax. Even though he isn't exactly happy with me (not exactly unhappy so I don't know what's going on) he still manages to make sure I know he loves me. And that's what keeps me going. That's what makes me want to make him know he is loved too. He deserves to know.

The truth is when I met him he was guarded, hard-headed and angry. He didn't know what love was unless it came from family. He didn't know how to express what he was feeling. And now he does.

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