Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

After Harry stopped bugging the shit out of me with his rant about aliens and rainbow hair, I managed to get quite a bit of work done. It worried me quite a bit when he suddenly stopped, but I assumed he saw the tweet.

"Hey I'm heading out," I smile while strolling out at 5 o'clock to Perrie, who nods and smiles in response.

"See you tomorrow!" She cheers and I laugh, nodding.

I meet the brisk air of London as I walk to my car, rushing inside and turning up the heat. Now that I'm done with work I'm craving Harry, even though I shunned him away earlier.

"Hello?" He answers after a few rings.

"Hellloooo Harold..." I drag out my words in a British accent.

"Yes?" He replies curtly, making me roll my eyes.

"What crawled up your pants and died?" I scoff and he lets out a breath.

"Well after you threatened to replace me with a parrot shit went down at work and now a big client is demanding 5 new songs by the end of the week." He rambles, his voice filled with stress.

"Well first, sorry about earlier but I was on a deadline, you know I would never replace you with a bird." I smile as I turn down a street, continuing. "Second, I'm sure you can handle 5 songs. Don't you have teams of writers?"

"They insisted that they are written by me." He sighs and I can hear his scowl through his voice.

"What band is this anyways?"

"This Australian band, 5 Seconds Of Summer. I have a feeling they're gonna be big, that's why we signed them." He explains in heavy breaths.

"How many songs do you have written?" I ask, playing with my fingers while stopped at a red light.

"None that I'm willing to share." He replies blandly, and my eyebrows furrow.

"Why not?" Surely he had plenty written, I've seen his journals and journals on his bookshelf.

"Too personal. Not ready yet. Some aren't even finished."

"Oh okay. Well do you want me to come over later?" I step on the gas when the light turns green, anxiously waiting for his response. I already miss him.

"I'll be working late tonight--probably all week, so no. I don't want you waiting up." He says and my hopes deplete.

"Okay." I try to sound cheerful, luckily making it through the word with no problem.

"Hailey I gotta go, I'll talk to you later." He rushes, voices behind his deep voice.

"Alright, bye." I reply glumly and he hangs up without a response, leaving me with my thoughts.





Friday. Today.

This week has been busy, for Harry. He worked late every night, his days filled with meetings and writing. He's only texted me at least once everyday, no calls.

From: Harry Styles Monday 10:37 pm

Goodnight babe. xx.

From: Harry Styles Tuesday 9:43 am

In between meetings, just wanted to check in. Have a good day. xx.

From: Harry Styles Tuesday 4:52 pm

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