I didn't know

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His face is full of anger. He can't transform, but what is he trying to transform into. Shelby backs up, afraid he might try to kill her. She doesn't understand what she did wrong. He is feeling around his body. Looking for what?

"Answer me! Why can't I transform?" He roars again. She stays where she is.

"I didn't know you could transform. It must be the parts I welded to repair you. If your supposed to have moving parts, and because I didn't know. You won't be able to transform. I'm sorry."

He is down in her face now. Anger glaring out of those red eyes. He uses logic to realize she isn't at fault. She truly didn't know. Now she needs to figure out how to repair him so he can transform.

"I need to get to a medic, so they can repair me." He says and stands tall towering over the girl.

"Let me try. Maybe all it is is just undoing something I welded." She says, clearly wanting to fix her mistake.

"You don't know anything about cybertronian biology. And because we don't know how I came back to life. I don't want you undoing something that offline me again." He has a point.

"Well how are we going to find a medic?" She asks.

"I am not sure yet. The Nemisis is who knows where. I can't go to the Autobots." He starts but slowly gets quieter. Making it hard for her to hear.

*Autobots base*

"Optimus you won't believe what just came up on the monitor." Says a very surprised Ratchet.

"What is it, old friend?" Wonders Optimus as he walks over to the computers.

"It's a decepticon life signature." Ratchet answers pointing to the screen.

"Autobots roll out." Orders Optimus Prime.

*The Nemisis*

"Yes Soundwave, what is it?" Megatron grunts to his silent soldier.

Soundwave pulled up a life signature on his visor.

"Dreadwing...He's alive!" Megatron's voice could be heard throughout the ship.

"How is this possible?" He growls slamming his fist on the nearest vehicon.

"Soundwave go check it out. And if you are correct and he is alive. Bring him back alive." With that, Soundwave opened a ground bridge and walked though.

*Shelby's home*

Two ground bridges open at the same time. On each side of Shelby and Dreadwing.

"Get inside and close the door. Don't come out." Dreadwing yells to her.

She closes the garage door and peaked out the window to see what was going on. What she sees amazes her. Out of one Ground bridge five Autobots stepped out and out of the other one just one Decepticon. The Autobots immediately take out there fire arms. Now Shelby understands the transfroming thing. Though only with the weapons. The Decepticon just stands there. She can't tell if it is talking or not. But the others are talking, maybe, she can only hear muffled noises, but the tallest one has a mask over his mouth. Dreadwing starts to back up towards the garage. His servos up in defense. The Autobots have their weapons pointed at Dreadwing and at the black and purple con.

"Please don't shoot him." She whispers to himself. 

She wishes she could go out and help. She sees the biggest Autobot, who was red and blue, put his weapons away and hold his servo out towards Dreadwing. Maybe he wants to help him. At least that is what it looks like. She can't see what Dreadwing is doing but she was able to hear him now, since he is now leaning up against the garage.

You saved me. (A Dreadwing Tale) TFPWhere stories live. Discover now