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"Megatron?" Shelby questions. She knew she heard right, but she was hoping it would of been Dreadwing.

"What does Bucket head want?" Miko spat.

"Please read it." Optimus says to Ratchet.

"It says, Tell the girl, if she wants Dreadwing to stay alive. She will turn herself over to me. And I suggest you make a decision quick. It doesn't look like he has long." Ratchet ends and looks over at Optimus and Shelby.

"Where does he want to meet?" Shelby asks, her arms are crossed and she wears a aggravated look on her face.

"These are the coordinates." Ratchet pulls a map up on the screen. They all looked on the map.

"Your not planning on turning yourself in?" Arcee barks.

"What else am I supposed to do? Dreadwing needs that generator. I will explain to Ratchet how to work the generator and how to hook up to Dreadwing." Shelby shrugs explaining her plan.

"No we will not let you trade yourself." Optimus demands.

"Well what else am I supposed to do? Dreadwing needs me to get him out. He needs that generator asap. If he doesn't get charged soon, I'll...we will lose him." Shelby expresses.

She sits down on Optimus's hand, hugging her knees. She running her hand through her hair.

"Put me down." Orders Shelby. Optimus quickly puts her down.

"Ratchet open the ground bridge." She adds.

"Shelby lets think of a plan." Optimus steps in front of her, trying to stop her.

"No, Optimus. Get out of my way. Dreadwing doesn't have enough time to think of a plan." Anger flashes in her eyes. It makes Optimus rethink his next words.

"I'll go with you." He finally says.

"Fine, lets go." She grunts walking around his foot.

Ratchet opened the ground bridge. Shelby walked thought first, then Optimus following. Bumblebee, Arcee and Bulkhead decide to follow too. The ground bridge closes behind them.

"What do you think Megatron wants with her?" Jack asked Ratchet.

"Well seeing as she was able to revive Dreadwing. He probably wants her to bring other cons back." He answered staring at where the ground bridge had closed.

On the other side, Shelby and the bots walk though the ground bridge. They come to a clearing. Behind them is a rock wall and around them is a desert. Dry and hot, the sun beating down on them. Another ground bridge opens in front of them. A con larger than Optimus, walks out. Behind him came three more cons, and two are dragging a barely conscious Dreadwing. The large one is gray, covered in battle scars, and has purple eyes. There is a sleek red con with red eyes holding up one side if Dreadwing. He has a smirk on his face as he let go of his side. This causes the other one to fumble and fall forward. Shelby recognizes this one. It is Starscream, the drag queen. He scoffs at the red smaller con. The red con just waves him off. The last one stands to the side, watching closely, waiting to interject. Even with his visor on, Shelby knows he is starting at her.

"I see you got your visor fixed, Soundwave." She gloats smirking at him.

He turns away looking at everyone else. She looks over at Dreadwing. On the outside she has a stone cold look on her face, but on the inside, she wants to run to him. He is laying headfirst in the ground now. He must be unconscious. He took a beating too. Damages has been done to his frame.

You saved me. (A Dreadwing Tale) TFPWhere stories live. Discover now