Who's next?

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*Warning- Graphic Content*

"Sgt Bishop!"

I heard my name being called. I put my pen down and shoved my manifest to the side. I look up from the desk to see Lance Corporal Fisher in front of me.

"What is is Fisher?" I asked him. My voice hoarse and tone tired.

"There is a satellite call for you. Its urgent." He bent down and whispered to me.

"Well why didn't you say so?" I yelled and gestured for him to show me the way.

I followed him up the starts of the brick building. I took two steps at a time, praying the call didn't loose connection. I slid behind the desk that my Staff Sergeant sat behind. Him and his roller chair rolled out of my way.

"Hello. This is Sgt Bishop." I spoke loudly into the satellite phone.

"Shelby its your father." I heard his fearful voice. I bent down tell my elbows were resting on the desk. I took my free hand and put it against my forehead.

"I don't like the sound of your voice." I said to him.

"It's...It's the twins." He cried.

"Dad, don't do this to me. Don't call me and tell me this crap. Are the police even doing there jobs?"

I wanted to scream at him. I already knew what happened. I've already lost three siblings. The twins can't be gone too.

"I'm sorry, sweetie. I wish It was a happy call. But the twins...The twins were found this morning."

You could hear the tears in his voice. I felt tears coming. I did everything in my power not to cry.

"Honey, you still there." I heard him ask.

"Yeah, I'm here." I told him, "Dad I don't know if I can leave this time."

"I understand. I know your important." He's making me feel guilty, like its my fault.

I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked up and my Staff Sergeant already knew what was going on. He had been with me though the last three murders. He gave me a strong nod.

"I'll be on the next plane." Is all I said and hung up.

I now had both of my hands flat on the desk. My face was contorted in anger. I stared down at that desk. If it were possible, I would have shot a hole through the desk with my eyes. I was more angry that more of my siblings have been taken away from me. I rounded up my thoughts and gave a nod to my Ssgt and left the room.

*Time skip*

I wasn't sure if I wanted to see another dead sibling. I stood in the funeral home staring at the caskets up front. Closed caskets. The funeral home seemed empty, as other family members didn't want to be around us, the ones left. They are calling us cursed. They don't want to be around us anymore. The few that don't think that, are trying to help us, but efforts are futile. There are never any clues left at the crime scenes. The cops are even speechless. Everything had turned into a dead end. My mother is losing her mind. She can't even take care of herself anymore. I know she would like me to come home. Honestly I don't feel safe at home. I want to. I feel the need to go home and help, but my signed my life away. I have two and a half years left of this contract. I was going to reenlist again. But at the rate my family is dying off and an injury I got on my last deployment, I won't be able too.

I stood there listening to the investigators who found the twins. They were only a year older than me. They chose to stay home on the farm and do online school. Supposedly they got done at the farm and went out with some friends to celebrate an engagement. They never came home. My mother didn't get worried at first, since it was the weekend and she knew where they were. Or so she thought. It wasn't until around dinner time she started to worry. She called and called. There were no answers. She called their friends, only two answered their phone. They hadn't seen them since the night before. My father hadn't come home yet. He was out on a fishing trip with some of his friends. He came straight home after my mother called him.

They were found in an abandoned building, just like how my other siblings were found. I had flash backs of my siblings. The twins weren't the only ones found. Four of their friends were with them. I saw the crime scene photos. They weren't pretty. I wouldn't say as gory as the other murders, but still awful. The only reason you could tell who was who, was they still had their wallets or IDs on them. You could barely recognize the clothes they wore the night they went missing. Their faces and neck were what got the brunt of it all. It was as if they were attacked with acid. Bright blue liquid was oozing out of what was left of their jaw. The twins looked to be the first ones tried on. The liquid was more crusty and dried on their burned skin. Their skull could be seen through the rotting skin. It was a nasty site. I'm not sure if I could hold in my lunch to much longer.

The other two that were with the twins, were still oozing. They were also still warm. The cops came to the conclusion, that whoever did this didn't like the results of whatever test they tried and flee'd the scene before the last two died. The coroner said that they laid there burning, in pain, before they bled to death. You could see the pain was still showing in their eyes in the pictures. How scared they were. They would never know why someone would do such a thing to them. It looked as if they were being experimented on. Whatever this blue stuff was, it is what was killing them.

*scene change*

The world seemed to be burning. Bombs exploding around me. I was lying on the ground. The vehicle closest to me had been blown up and I, and a few others, were thrown a few feet away from it. The last thing I see before I passed out, was a blue and golden con named Dreadwing. He was standing a twenty feet in front of me. Walking my way. Why was he walking? He was staring at me. He had to know that I was hurt. I thought he cared about me. These questions circled in my mind, tell darkness consumed me. 

Shelby woke up panting hard, trying to catch her breath. She sat up in her bed, checking her surrounding and herself. Making sure she still wasn't in a dream. The last part of her dream was different than all the rest she had ever had. Dreadwing had never been in any of her nightmares tell tonight. This confused her. She couldn't understand why. The same part of her nightmare was always the same tell tonight. Tonight, Dreadwing watched her get blown up. He watched her get injured. All he did was stare at her as if nothing had happened. As if nothing had ever happened between them.

'It was just a nightmare' She told herself.

She looked over at her clock and noticed that it was around one in the morning. She decided to get up and try and draw some plans up. She had to at least make it look like she was trying to please the war lord. No matter how much she didn't want to. Her spirits were back up and ideas were flowing, all thanks to Dreadwing. All thanks to his determination to find her.

*Somewhere in the US*

Welders were crackling, drills whirring. The men in black step back and take a look at their work. His damaged eye slowly open, trying to adjust to the scene around him.

"Welcome back, Sir." Says one of the men.

"What have you done?" He looks down to all his men.

"What we needed in order to save you, Silas." The same one says.

"I'm on of them." Silas says, bringing his arms up, inspecting his new form.

"The logical evolution of MECH's experiments and biotech. Your brain fused with the donor's nervous and skeletal system. The perfect meld of man and machine." Explained one of Silas's men.

"Exquisite." Silas smirks, "Thank you all for your dedication and lifetime of service. But I now seem more suited to keep the exclusive company of titans."

Silas transformed his servos into blasters and started shooting at his men. After he made sure every last one in the building had perished, he transformed and drove off.

You saved me. (A Dreadwing Tale) TFPWhere stories live. Discover now