How He was found

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They walked though the ground bridge into a secret base outside of Jasper, Navada. Far away from Shelby's home in Wisconsin. She is still standing in Dreadwing's servo, staring in awe at what is around her. Now that she doesn't feel threatened anymore, taking in the giant bots around her. She brought one back to life, to find out that there is more of him. She's not in shock or confused, just amazed she gets to learn about these new life forms.

Dreadwing stops right after he steps though the ground bridge. His face showing no expressions, as he looks around. Some of the other bots are pointing their weapons at Shelby and Dreadwing. Once Shelby realized this she had her hand on her pistol. Even though she knows she won't do any damage. She already hurt a con today, and she would use that against them.

"Autobots, put your weapons down." says the loud deep voice of Optimus.

The large green one and blue and yellow one (a lighter blue and yellow than Dreadwing) with screaming 38's on his door wings, immediately put their weapons down. The blue female looking one, hesitated before putting hers down. Shelby then took her hand off her own weapon.

"Welcome Dreadwing and Shelby. Dreadwing you know everyone but Shelby. This is Ratchet, our medical officer, Bulkhead, Arcee and Smokescreen, warriors, Bumblebee our scout, The humans, Jack, Miko and Raf, and I am..." Optimus introducing all the bots.

"Optimus Prime. Dreadwing told me a bit about you." She said to him, a beaming smile on her face.

"Dreadwing is alive! I thought buckethead killed him?" Said the girl named Miko, her Black and pink hair bouncing as she ran up the stairs to get closer to their level.

"Yes, the human he is holding, who somehow with no Cyberbertronian technology managed to bring him back to life." Says the medic, Ratchet as he walked over to another section of the base.

"Well aren't you just a bundle of joy." Shelby countered crossing her arms and popping out her hip. Every bot and human besides Optimus laughed. Well Dreadwing didn't either but he did form a small smile looking at the sassy girl in his servo.

"Dreadwing please come over here so I can scan you and start working. I'm not sure what the girl did to you. So it might take some time to correct it." Ratchet grumbles.

Dreadwing gave a nod and started walking. Shelby still in his servo. "You can set her down. We won't squish her." Rachet pauses and looked at him.

Dreadwing seemed hesitant to put the girl down. He gazes down at her as if to ask if it is okay.

"It's alright. You can put me down." She says calmly, staring right back at him. Her hand resting on his thumb. Trying to comfort him. He slowly brings her down to the floor. Before she could even touch the floor, she is surrounded by the other humans. They are asking her so many questions. She can barely understand them.

"Whoa! One at a time!" The older women yells over them.

"Where are you from?" Asked Raf.

"A very small town in Wisconsin." She answered.

"I doubt smaller than Jasper." Said the older boy Jack.

"Well I don't even live in town. I live about 10-15 miles away from any town. But the closest town only has one street going through it. No stop lights. One grocery store. And one gas station." She told him.

"Oh wow that is tiny. I've never been to a town smaller than ours." Said Jack.

"How did you bring Dreadwing back to life? Is he a zombiebot now? Is he gonna eat the bots?" Miko asks, jumping up and down.

You saved me. (A Dreadwing Tale) TFPWhere stories live. Discover now