Truck and Trailer

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Dreadwing is the first one up. He decides instead of just sitting there waiting for Shelby to get up, he is going to go stretch his wings. He opens up the garage door as quietly as he could. Not wanting to wake the recharging femme. The sun is starting to rise and it shines brightly on his armor. It is so calm out this morning. There is a slight breeze, picking up small leaves as it blew throughout the farm. Taking a deep breath, He walks forward a bit, then he jumps skillfully, transforming into his alt mode. He hovers for a moment, then takes off. Not noticing someone running after him.

Shelby woke up to the sound of gears shifting and hydraulics hissing. She immediately jumps off the couch and runs outside. Just as she hits the outside, the sun shining in her face, she sees Dreadwing in his Jet form about to take off. He doesn't notice her as he takes off. She ran for a little bit, not understanding why he left. She's confused and upset. She walks back into the garage and slumps onto the couch. Confusion runs over her face. 

'Maybe he just needed to stretch his wings, but what if he decided he hates me. Maybe he decided he wants his revenge.' She runs all the different reasons through her head. Maybe this, maybe that.

After thinking hard about this for over 15 minutes, she hears the sound of a jet outside again. A smile forms on her face and she stumbles off the couch and runs outside again. Just in time for her to see Dreadwing swoop in and transform. As he transforms and lands, the ground seems to shake a bit. Realizing that she needs to be mad, she wipes the smile from her face. He looks at her in confusion, but only for a moment seeing as he quickly realized why her face was scrunched up in anger. He kneels down and looks at her. 

"I just went to stretch my wings for a few minutes. I didn't mean to wake you." Satisfied with that answer, she gives him a small smile and walks back inside and he follows. 

"We need to find a power source to charge you. Energon and recharging can only do so much. How are you feeling?" She turns to him and asks him. Her face serious and cold. 

"I feel like I barely had any recharge. Usually if I go for a flight, I wake up more, but this time it feels like I'm more tired." He says the truth. He looks tired. His optics seem to droop as he talks, his shoulders are slouched unlike the straight and back like they normally are. His wings are down, not up and perky like they usually are. You can see that his body is draining. 

"We need to find one fast. I don't have anything big enough to charge you here. I can't just hook you up the main power frame like I did to wake you. I need to do some research. I have to go inside on my computer and see if I can find a strong enough generator. I might even be able to get a military grade one. I'll have to make a few phone calls. Are you alright to be out here by yourself?" She looks up to him with hopeful eyes. All he does is nod and go sit down against the wall. A worried look forms on her face and she runs over to him. 

"I need to be fast. Do not fall asleep." She orders him. He feels so tired. His body is powering down, but he nods to her. He will not fall asleep. 

She runs into the house to her computer. Her phone is up to her ear as well. She knows she doesn't have much time. She gets in the office and sits down turning on the computer. 

"Hey man...Yeah I know its been while. But hey I need a huge favor." She says into the phone after they answer. 

Still talking on the phone, she also looks up information on generating the kind of power she would need for Dreadwing. Listening to the phone, she hears the information she was hoping for. 

"That is great to hear. Can I come get it now?....Oh boy well I better hit the road then...Ok...I'll need to fix my trailer first. But that shouldn't take me long....Thanks man, your the best...yea you wish." She laughs into the phone before she hangs up. Then she gets up and runs outside. 

Dreadwing is sitting outside soaking up the sun, sharpening his sword. He hears the small footsteps of Shelby running out to him. He looks up at her, a tired look in his optics. 

"I got you a generator." She says panting as she gets up to him. "But I'm going to need your help fixing my truck and trailer quick, so I get tow it back here." She continues. 

He nods and stands up. He puts his sword back on his back. He follows her over to the side of the shop, where she had parked her truck and trailer. She hadn't had time to fix it since Dreadwing came back to life. She takes her keys out of her pocket and jumps into the truck. Dreadwing stands back out of the way as she attempts to pull the trailer out front. The bed of the truck and front of the trailer are badly damaged. Where the gooseneck of the trailer connects to the bed of the truck, is all bent out of shape. The gooseneck is bent almost in a perfect U from when Shelby is trying to get Dreadwing off of it. The fifth wheel hook up for the trailer was partially ripped up out of the bed. The kind of scrunched up like if someone was trying to suck all the air out of vacuum seal bag. The trailer is barely hanging on. It is bent up and trying to get the coupler on the bed to let go of it. As she look down the trailer she can see where the gooseneck is supposed to fold down and lay flat, if you were to drive a vehicle on that way instead of using the ramps at the end, it now is bent almost flat. This is how it seemed to form the U shape. If you walk down toward the end of the trailer the suspension has been broken. The trailer now lay on the wheels, it makes it a lot harder to move the trailer as the tires rubbed up against the edges of the bed. The only thing not messed up on this trailer are the ramps. Only because they weren't attached to the trailer when Shelby went to move the heavy metal body found in the back woods of her property. 

Shelby hops out of the cab and takes a step back. Now she is really taking in what had happened to the truck and trailer. She throws her hands up to her head and grabs her hair. 

"Shit, this is worse than I thought it was." She growls walking around the truck and trailer. Dreadwing wants to ask what happened to it, but he realizes he already knows the answer to it. It was his fault. 

"There is no way I can fix this. I need a whole new bed for my truck. The trailer is behond fixable." She huffs, upset knowing needs to get a new trailer. She doesn't have much time to find one. 

"I don't know how I'm going to get the generator now. I can't get this fixed in time." She turns and looks up to him. Her hand is holding up her chin as she thought hard. But instead of her speaking, Dreadwing spoke this time. 

"What if we call Prime, his alt mode is a truck. I'm sure he has a trailer for it." He says looking down at the women. 

"Good idea, Dreadwing." She whips out her phone and makes the call.

"Yo, OP! I need a favor." She says into the phone. She explains the situation to him. Before she even hangs up the phone, a blue-green portal appears and Optimus Prime walks out. 

"Lets roll" He says and transforms. The gears move and the hydraulics hiss. He transforms into a beautiful semi truck. An in-closed seems to form out of no where. Shelby takes a quick look at the trailer, assessing it to make sure the generator would fit. 

Before she climbs up into the truck, she looks at Dreadwing. "Stay here, Where we are going, your alt mode wouldn't be allowed. I don't want you to get hurt." He gives her a nod. 

"Be safe." He says in almost a whisper but she heard him. 

It makes her smile. Optimus has the driver side door open ready for her to climb in. She climbs up and buckles in as the door closes. She gives Dreadwing one last wave and they drive off. 

Dreadwing leans back against the garage watching them drive off. He crossed his arms. The look on his face was utter disgust. He doesn't like the idea of Shelby sitting in Optimus driver seat. Touching his steering wheel. Talking to him. He feels angry that he can't go with. He wants to be the one to take her. He wants to make sure she is safe. He can't do that from here. 

"Maybe I can fly behind them. Low and staying out of sight. Should I risk it?" He thought to himself. Now his face had a questioning look on it. As he thought about what he should do. 

"What am I saying? I need to make sure she stays safe." And with that thought he transformed and flew off.

You saved me. (A Dreadwing Tale) TFPWhere stories live. Discover now