Just a dream

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*Warning graphic content*
(I don't think it's to graphic. But I figured in case someone thought it would be, I'll warn you now.)

The house is a huge 2 story 5 bedroom house. Way to big for one person. I only live on the first floor. I haven't even been up to the second story since I moved in. One I didn't have much stuff to move in for the need to go up and second I don't want to go up there. There is a nice porch that goes halfway around the house. White pillars holding the overhang up. The front door was a huge double oak doors leading into the entry way. you always took your shoes off when you walked in. To the right was the living room, filled with old furniture that we're my parents. A sleek black leather couch and loveseat. A Black oak side table next to each. There was a huge beautiful brick fireplace in front of the couches, one that hasn't burned wood in quite some time. The mantel held pictures of family members and 2 black urns with some scriptures engraved in them. If you were to go to the left, you'd see a large black dinning room table with 6 black chairs sitting around it and two more off to the side. It contrasted nicely with the white rooms. Pictures of Jesus and the virgin Mary hung on the walls facing the driveway. Mother was a very loyal Christian. The kitchen was next to the dinning room, white cabinets hung around the room. Some having not been opened since I came home. There were black granite counter tops on top of all the white. Paper work took up most of the countertops, as well as unread mail. There was a small island countertop on the middle of the kitchen. The only thing on it was a small vase filled with fake flowers. Roses to be exact, pink and red and white, my mother's favorite. Though she could keep real ones alive. I've never had a way with flowers like she did.

If you were to go straight when you came in the front door, you would go up the stairs. But I haven't been up those stairs since before I left for the military. That was over 8 years ago. I don't even know what it looks like up there anymore. Walking around the stairs, through the dining room and the kitchen, there is two bedroom in the back of the house. One I use as a bedroom and the other I turned into a study. In-between both rooms is the bathroom. It was a light blue accented with dark blue. The shower had a blue shower curtain. The tiles around the shower were white, light blue and dark blue. The toilet had a blue fuzzy color over the cover. Then everything around the sink was blue or accented blue. Accept the sink itself, which was white. The study has a large mahogany desk. On top of the desk, is a black laptop, a vintage lamp, and paperwork scattered all over. There is a black leather chair sitting in front of the desk. There are two windows looking out the back of the land. Easily seeing the pastures, that have been empty and unkept for some time now. The old red barn was slowly falling apart. There is a giant hole in the roof now. There used to be horses and cows out there. But after I left, my parents decided they didn't want to keep them anymore. There were book shelves lining the ceiling. They started at the top of the windows and went up. I put them in after I got back home. I have a lot of books. Most were already here, but then I had a lot I brought back home. 

My bedroom has always been downstairs. It made it easier when I came home, not to have to go upstairs. It is a large room, not much in it. There is a queen size bed, with gray and pink bedding on it. The same bedding that has been on it since I left. After I left, my room was left untouched. My parents had no reason to go in there. They weren't to happy that I decided to leave. But Dad couldn't say to much, since he was also in the military, though only because he was drafted. My mom was more upset about it than he was. It made it easier to leave, with my dad on board with it. There was a small dresser to one side of the room. Then a matching bed side table. A small lamp sat near the wall on it, along with an clock. A gray hamper stood next to the closet, clothes slowly filling up inside. 

I was born in this home. Raised in it. I never left until I left for boot camp. I was the only one to leave. There were 7 of us kids. I was the youngest. The baby. Another reason why my parents didn't want me to leave. No one in the family did. But I was 18 and I decided I needed to get out of this small town. It was surprising my parents put the house in my name if they died. I didn't think I was that important. It didn't make sense since I was the one most likely to die before all my other siblings. What I didn't realize that I would be the only one left alive. 

You saved me. (A Dreadwing Tale) TFPWhere stories live. Discover now