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The world around her seems to be moving in slow motion. She couldn't focus on what's going on around her. The only thing she could hear was the beat of her own heart. It was like a large drum pounding in her ears. Everything was rushing past her, but she knew she wasn't running. It was like she was floating but she couldn't figure out how. Nothing seemed to make sense to her. She tries to look up, but couldn't move. She was frozen. The bright electric green and blue vortex caused a shiver to run down her spine. It was only for a few seconds and they landed on the other side. The world slowly came back to her. She realized she was being carried by Dreadwing. He had her up near his face and was trying to talk to her. She still couldn't hear what he was saying. She only saw his mouth moving. She stared at his lips moving, trying to understand. She opened her mouth to try and talk, but nothing came out. She tried hard to focus, but instead of the world coming back to her, darkness consumed her and she fell back against the large metal hand.

"Ratchet, what's happening? What's wrong with her?" Dreadwing questioned. He looked down at her, holding her close to his spark.

"I need you to bring her over here. June will help asses her." Ratchet started walking over to a small gurney. June already waiting. Dreadwing brought her over and laid her down gently.

"She passed out from shock. What happened while she was with the Decepticons?" June looked up at Dreadwing.

"Megatron was using her to create new weapons." Dreadwing started.

"But none of those weapons worked. If Shelby made them, you all would be dead." Interrupted Miko.

"She also caused them to fail after a certain point of them being used. Though Megatron figured out what she was doing and was going to kill both of us, if she didn't create one that would work..." He went on to continue what went on while on the warship. When he told them about Silas and how he was Shelby's father.

"Wait, Silas is her father? No way?" Smokescreen freaked.

"Her whole family was murdered. And he was behind it?" Arcee said confused.

"Is that why Shelby passed out?" Raf asked.

"That kind of news would put anyone in shock. She had so much processing in her brain, that her body didn't know how to react. So, it shut down. She will be fine, but I can't say anything about her mental health right now. She will need to see a phycologist. After this kind of experience, I doubt she will ever be the same again." June explained.

Dreadwing looked away in shame. "This is all my fault." He whispered.

"This is not your fault, Dreadwing. You saved her from a much worse fate. She is going to need your more now than ever. She would not want you to think down on yourself." Optimus declared.

Dreadwing looked back over at Shelby. She looked as if she was sleeping peacefully. For the first time in ages.

*Shelby's mind*

"I killed them." Silas's voice echoed in the darkness of my mind.

He killed them. I still don't know if he killed the others, but I'm sure he was in on it. They are all gone, because of a man I used to call father. There are so many unanswered questions. I stood in the middle of the darkness. His voice still ringing in my mind. My siblings start to form in the darkness. My brothers and sisters. They are all smiling at me. I wipe a tear out of my eye and smile back. I start trying to walk to them. I just want to feel them. I want to know if they are real. I need a hug or something. I miss them so much. As I start to get closer, I feel something change in the air. I watch as their skin on their body's start to deteriorate. Their smiles turn into horror. I try and run away, but I can't move. My feet seem glued to the floor.

You saved me. (A Dreadwing Tale) TFPWhere stories live. Discover now