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Before I even started to work on the robot, I needed to draw up designs and get parts. With my engineering back round from my time in the military, I start to try and come up with something to power the giant. This process took me about a month and a half. The next month was building it. It was not easy. I don't know how many nights I spent awake on top of the giant. Just measuring and sizing and testing different materials. 

I didn't realize how much time had gone by after I completed the power source and buffing and cleaning the bot. It was over two months. The first time I decided I should probably take a break, like a real break. I'm surprised I haven't starved myself this whole time. When I'm getting into a project, its really hard for me to focus on anything else. I walked out of the shop and walked over into my house. It was my family's home. I inherited it, after my parents died about 2 years ago. But I didn't actually move in tell last year. I still had time left in the military.

I made myself a quick sandwich and grabbed a root beer and headed back out to the shop to keep working. I finish my sandwich, take a drink, then grab a cigarette. I look over my notes while I smoke. I got some welding to do yet and connecting of the wires to the power source yet to finish. And that won't be easy. The  welding is the last thing on my list to do. I just hope I still know how to. I haven't welded in awhile. I'm going to have to practice on some old metal first. This giant is going to look perfect. At least to me it will. I ain't got no one to show him off too. 

I think I'm going to say its a he. He's got the facial features and body type as one. So its a male. I wonder what I should name him. I think I'll decide that later after I get him working again. If I get him working. I sure hope this power source works. 

I finish up my cigarette and get back to work. I grab my safety goggles and gloves. Then I grab the tools I need and climb up on top of the giant. I quickly get to work. I don't know how many times I get shocked or stabbed or poked or something while working on this beast. All joining with the scars I already have. 

Then about 3-4 weeks later, I finish the last of my welding. I attach two sets of heavy duty jumper cables to the power source of him. Then I hook the other end to my mainframe. the place of all my power to generate enough electricity to start the robot. I grab the main lever and pull it down.

Light shines bright, sparks fly, sheilding my eyes as to not get blinded. 

The next thing I know. The giant machine is sitting up in front of me. Moving its head around and arms. Looking at himself. He then starts to look around and spots me. 

"The rest is us getting to know one another. Learning each others names. He got mad at me a few times because he didn't have his weapons and couldn't transform. I worked hard on him. But I had no idea that he was going to be a transforming Decepticon." She finishes her story.

Everyone looked at her in awe. Unsure what to say. They defiantly have questions, but none of them knew where to start. Ratchet had stopped working on Dreadwing, so they could listen to the story. Everyone was sitting around Shelby on the ground. And Shelby was sitting on a bunch of boxes, to sit a little higher so everyone could see her. She looked over at Dreadwing, a smile on her face. He looks back at her, giving her a small smile and nod of thanks.

"How did you know what to do to try and bring him back?" Asks Raf, pushing his glasses up on his nose. Shelby looked down to him and smiled.

"Like I said about trying to build a power core, I used to be a engineer in the military. I could build anything I set my mind too. I developed a lot of new weapons for the military. And I had worked on some robots they we're attempting to build for the war. So I had a general idea of what to do. Hooking everything together was the hard part." She explained to them.

"So does he still have a spark or what?" Asked Miko looking over the blue and yellow con.

"Um I'm not sure I can explain that one." Shelby stated looking over at Ratchet.

This caused everyone else to look over at him. He had gone back to work. But when he heard his name, he looked back over. "As far as I can tell, his spark has seemed to fuse with the power source she built. I'm not sure how. But after giving him some energon. It seems not only will he need that to survive but he will need to somehow keep his core charged. I'm sure Shelby will know how to do that." He explained. It seemed to make sense to the Autobots and Shelby. But the kids still looked confused.

"I'm going to need a big battery." Shelby states staring up at Dreadwing.

"How long do you think he might last on one charge?" Ratchet asks Shelby. Shelby gets up and walks over to him and Dreadwing.

Putting a finger up to her lip, she says, "How I have the core set, it should hold a charge for over a week. But that was figuring He wasn't actually alive. Like he was just a simple robot. So putting that in the equation...I'd say maybe 3 days." She has one hand on her hip and her phone now in the other. She was doing some calculations on her Moto X phone with a American flag phone case.

"How long has it been since you brought him back to life?" He asks.

"Like an hour before y'all showed up." She answers in a sassy tone, putting her phone in her back pocket. "I got time to find a good way to charge him. As long as he doesn't do a lot of strenuous work." She said straight faced and looking straight at Dreadwing. Her look could paralyze you. If Dreadwing could transform right now. He would in a spark beat.

"Your t-cog isn't damaged. Its the parts that were welded causing you unable to transform. So with that said, I'm going to have to go undo some of those welds without harming your knew power source." Ratchet explains taking is servo up to his face and rubbing his chin, while going into deep thought.

"Did she weld my arms too? I couldn't bring out my blasters." Asks Dreadwing.

"Yes I did. Your arms had some massive cuts from, I'm assuming, the fall and crashing into my land. So I welded them all back together. I didn't know that those were all movable." She said with guilt showing in her tone. she walks closer to Dreadwing, putting her hand on his foot.

"I'm sorry." She started but was cut off.

"Don't be sorry, you brought me back. I was one with the allspark and now I get a second chance." Dreadwing said, he put his servo down for Shelby to climb up on. Then he brought her back up to his face. She hugged one of his digits.

"Alright I need to get started with surgery." Ratchet interrupts.

Dreadwing sets Shelby back on the ground and soon he is in stasis.

You saved me. (A Dreadwing Tale) TFPWhere stories live. Discover now