You will answer me!

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Shelby couldn't believe it. She had to see it for herself. She begged the Prime to let her go and see the supposed damage done. It took a lot of convincing to get the Prime to agree. Optimus, Bumblebee, Arcee, Smokescreen and Bulkhead have to come with. Just incase it is a trap. Shelby didn't care if it was a trap or not. She had to see her home. The place she grew up in. The she came back to after her whole family was murdered. The place where she rebuilt Dreadwing. Someone who actually cares about her, and who she cares for deeply. The ground bridge was opened by Ratchet. All the bots, including Dreadwing, had their weapons out and ready. Optimus and Bumblebee were the first ones to walk though. Then Shelby and Dreadwing and last Arcee, Smokescreen and Bulkhead.

On the other side of the ground bridge was not a pretty sight. The minute Shelby laid her eyes on the devastation in front of her, she fell to her knees. Tears formed in her eyes, but wouldn't fall. Dreadwing wanted to comfort her, but he knew he had to let her grieve. She had yet to really take it all in.

Her house, her white farm house, was now a smoldering mess. There was nothing left to show there used to be a house, except for the burnt white wood of the porch steps. The pillars that held the porch roof were laying broken and burned in front of the house. Shelby looked over at her shop/garage. It was in pieces. Hacked into pieces. Like someone took a giant machete to it and took all their anger out on it. The metal roof lay torn apart on top of her truck. Though it didn't look much like a truck anymore. Just a pile of scrap metal. Like someone stepped on it. Though someone or some con probably did as they were destroying the place. Though the barn was already falling apart, there was now nothing left of it. It was laying in ashes. The area around the house, barn and shop was black and still smoking. Trees were torn down or burned down. It was torture for Shelby to look at.

"My home. What has happened to my home?"

She shakes in anger and sadness. She doesn't know how to react. Dreadwing kneels beside her attempting to comfort her, but she pushes him away. He looks hurt by her actions, but he understand she is upset and needs time. The other bots lower their weapons and looked at the weeping women. They all know how she feels. For they too have lost their home. Before she can make another motion, they all hear a rustle in the back forty. They all look over, the bots and Dreadwing have their weapons at the ready. A tall blue and gray body slowly makes its way out of the woods that didn't get burned down.

"Silas" Shelby Whispers.

She jumps from her kneeling position and sprints to the remains of her shop. Praying her gun safe was still in tack. Silas knew where she was running to and started to run after her.

"Get away from her your murderer." Dreadwing snarled as he cut Silas off.

The two started to fight against each other. Silas took out Breakdowns hammer and got ready to use it on Dreadwing. The other bots started to shoot at him. Making sure to miss Dreadwing.

"Silas, you are outnumbered." Optimus roared.

Arcee and Bumblebee covered Shelby as she made it to the shop and began to dig. Bumblebee started helping her move rubble out of the way. Then there it was, what she was looking for. It was a little bend out of shape but still in tack.

"Bumblebee, can you rip the door off this thing for me?" She yelled up to the yellow and black bot. He gave her a few beeps of acknowledgement and ripped the door clean off.

Without wasting time, Shelby grabbed as many weapons as she could and shoved them all into a duffle bag that was laying inside the safe. She loaded her pistol and rifle, throwing the duffle over her shoulders and ran out of there. Dreadwing was still fighting Silas. Bulkhead was able to get behind and get a good blow in knocking him out.

You saved me. (A Dreadwing Tale) TFPWhere stories live. Discover now