He's back

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Screamer and the drones that didn't die, flew off. Shelby watched as they flew, making sure they didn't turn back. Then she immediately went to Wheeljack, but not before looking at her hero. The sun was shining on his blue and golden frame. Making him almost look like an angel. He is holding a large sword in his hand, staring up at the sky. Realizing there are eyes on him, he looks down. A guilty look forms on his face plate. Shelby slowly walks closer to him, unsure of how to feel. Pissed off or happy.

"Dreadwing?" She questions. She wanting to make sure this is real and not just a figment of her imagination.

"It is I, Shelby." He says attempting to smile.

She wants to hug him, but at the same time shoot him. She thought for a moment. Then before Dreadwing could take in what was about to happen, She brought her pistol up and shot him in the leg. Knowing well that is won't pierce his armor. Just a small dent she can easily fix and give him a small sting. She then turns and runs over to Wheeljack, while Dreadwing hisses in pain.

Wheeljack groans and rolls on to his back. "You okay, Wheeljack?" Shelby asks him, inspecting his injuries as he sat up.

"Nothing I can't handle." He chuckles to her.

He has yet to notice Dreadwing. Dreadwing got over the pain by now, and is growling lowly as he watches Shelby interact with the wrecker. Wheeljack stands up and sees that Shelby is staring at something.

"What the frag is he doing here?" Wheeljack hisses. Staring the ex-con down. The ex-con doing the same.

"You came back? Or did you go back to Megatron and are here to take me to him?" Shelby walks up to him, her arms crossed. He kneels down to get closer to her.

"I mearly went to retrive me weapons. I am sorry I didn't tell you. I wasn't sure what I wanted to do. So, I just took off." He explains, not looking at her. He can't. He feels guilty. Though he didn't understand why. But he feels the need to make it up to her.

Wheeljack puts his face shield on, and a hand over his grenade that is on his belt. "Shelby back away!" He roars, attempting to move in front of her.

"No!" She yells, running in front of Wheeljack with her hands up, trying stop him.

"He's a con!" He argues.

"He didn't go back to Megatron, I'd say he's a ex con." She argues back. Her hands on her hips.

Dreadwing puts his sword on his back and starts to back up a bit. Wheeljack eyes him down. Glaring, intimidating him.

"Wheeljack" Shelby growls his name, crossing her arms and staring him down.

"Well looks like you don't need me anymore." Just like that Wheeljack transformed into his alt mode and sped off.

"Wait! Wheeljack!" She yells, hopping on her ATV and racing after him.

Even though she knew she wouldn't be able to catch up. Dreadwing follows, transforming and flying overhead. He flew until he was in front of Wheeljack. Before Wheeljack could hit the road, Dreadwing lands in front of him. Stopping him in his tracks.

"Get out of my way, con" Wheeljack sneers though his alt mode.

"Wheeljack!" Shelby pants as she drifts to a stop in between him and Dreadwing. "Please, you heard my story. I brought him back. And he didn't go to Megatron. That's got to count for something." She pleads to him.

Dreadwing stays behind his savor, not daring to speak. She was right, though. He didn't go back to Megatron. He chose to come back to her. He wasn't sure why, but he felt he had to come back. He also didn't want to be offlined again.

You saved me. (A Dreadwing Tale) TFPWhere stories live. Discover now