Take Flight

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It was morning now, Shelby was found asleep on top of Dreadwing's chassis. Dreadwing had woken up fully now, and Ratchet was up scanning him. Both trying not to wake up the sleeping women.

"How is he doing this morning?" Asks Optimus as he rounded the corner, clearly not seeing the sleeping form on Dreadwing.

"Shhhhh." Both Ratchet and Dreadwing shush Optimus. He backs up in surprise. Ratchet walks to one of the monitors and then he was able to see her.

"Oh, I'm sorry." Optimus reply's in a whisper.

He then walks off to talk to some of the others at the other side of the base. They were yelled at too, so they decided to keep a good distance away.

'This femme must never get to sleep. She's been asleep on me for a while now. Hope she's okay.' Dreadwing thought to himself.

Then the women then seemed to stir in her sleep. Letting out a small groan in the process. She is curled up in a ball. Her knees to her chest and her hands under her head as a makeshift pillow. She looks so peaceful. But yet uncomfortable. Dreadwing laid his helm back down on the berth. He's neck getting stiff from looking down at her. Not too long after he felt her move, he looks up and sees her sitting up. She looks over at him.

"That was the best sleep I've had since the last time I got to sleep in a fox hole in afghan." She yawned as she stood up to stretched. "You know you're really warm for a metal being." She added.

Dreadwing just looked at her. He is unsure of what to say to what she had said. Though he did have one question. "What is this fox hole you said you had to recharge in?"

She slides down his torso onto his leg as he slowly sits up, almost like she was snowboarding down a mountain of snow.

"It is a hole dug into the ground, just enough to lay down into." He looks at her baffled.

"Why would you want to recharge in a hole in the ground?"

She stares up at him and giggled. "Sometimes you got to do what you got to do." is all she said.

He was still confused, but just nodded. She sat down on his knee looking out over the base. She had one knee up and her hands cupped around it. The other leg dangling over Dreadwing's knee. Ratchet and Optimus notice that the girl and con were up. So, they made their way over.

"Will I be able to transform now?" Dreadwing wonders to the doc bot.

"You should be able too. But let's start small, try and transform your servo." Ratchet tells him. Dreadwing started stand up, which made Shelby have to jump off.

"Whoa!!" She yells as she jumps. Expecting to land on the ground, instead a huge metal hand brought itself under her and was able to catch her before she hit the ground. She stands up and looks up at Optimus, who had been the one to catch her. Before she could say thanks, she is grabbed away.

"I apologize Shelby, I forgot you were sitting there." Dreadwing exclaims holding her in his servo up to his face.

"It's okay, it wasn't too big of a jump, so I wasn't too worried. Thank you for the save, Optimus." She shoots to Optimus, who nods in return.

Dreadwing put Shelby on top of his shoulder, after giving Optimus a glare. He had hoped Shelby didn't see it, but she did, and she can't understand why he did that. She will have to remember to ask him later. Dreadwing put his eye on the task at hand, to see if he could transform again. Everyone has gathered around Dreadwing. Everyone staring at him. A feeling of nausea comes over him. Shelby noticed this and put a hand on his cheek plate, trying to be comforting. He looks to the side at her, not trying to show emotion. She doesn't need him to acknowledge her, he just needed to know she was there. He looks forward and focuses on his servo. The room falls silent as everyone focuses on the con. Then with one swift movement, his servo is now a blaster. The look on his face says it all. His eyes wide in surprise, but the best part was his smile. It was huge, he was staring down at his blaster with the biggest smile on his face. So much for being an evil con. Now it is time to test the bigger transformation.

"Good job, old friend." Optimus says to Ratchet putting a servo on his shoulder. They watch as Dreadwing kept transforming his servo into a blaster and back.

"Now you're able to go where ever you want." Shelby says, almost too quiet no one could hear.

"I still have to see if I can transform into my jet mode." He explains looking at her. He can see some sadness in her eyes. She was kind of hoping Ratchet wouldn't be able to fix him. But she didn't want to keep him from being who he is, at the same time.

"We shall take you up to the roof." Optimus says.

The other bots and humans back out of the way and follow Optimus up to the elevator that goes to the upper flight deck. They go up to the elevator.

"Wow, the view is amazing! Though I'm not sure how you guys can stand living in such a sandy place. Ugh it reminds me of Afghan." Shelby says with a shudder.

"Alright, let's do this." yells Miko from a top of Bulkheads shoulder.

Shelby and Raf can't help but giggle a little. Everyone backed up away from Dreadwing. To make sure he had enough room. Shelby had been put into Optimus's servo, much to Dreadwing's delight. She stood, hugging one of Optimus's digits, leaning out so she can see. Dreadwing looks over one last time before his attempt. He looked away, closed his eyes, and concentrated. He does a quick jump and in another swift movement, he's transforms into a military jet, a V-tol. Shelby can't help but stare at him in awe as he hovered in the air. Then as fast as he had transformed into a jet, he transformed back.

"I have my wings back." he exclaims.

Shelby is the only one to cheer for him. The others have worry written on their faces. Optimus, the only one not showing any emotion, is the first to speak up.

"Now that you have your wings back, where will you go?" He asks, stepping up to Dreadwing, Shelby still in his servo. Dreadwing looked down at the women.

He takes one last look at her, then transformed. He was gone before she could even scream his name.

You saved me. (A Dreadwing Tale) TFPWhere stories live. Discover now