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Knockout finished repairing Dreadwings leg. Shelby had started to repair the minor cuts and scraps along his chassis while Dreadwing was in recharge.

"Shelby I need to ask you something." Knockout started.

"Of course, anything." She stopped what she was doing and looked up to him.

"Are you doing something to cause the equipment you fail?" He whispered the last part.

It was so quiet Shelby almost didn't hear him. She looked up at him with a straight face. She realized she had been caught and it wasn't from Knockout.

"Yes." She answered, in a straight monitone voice.

Knockout looked away and bit his lip, clearly hoping for a different answer. Thinking for a moment, he looked back at her.

"Why?" He asked, unsure why he did after he said it. He knew why.

"I wasn't going to let Megatron destroy Dreadwing or the Autobots. Everything I created for him would of surely done just that. I can't let that happen. He should of never tried to get me to do his dirty work." She ranted to him. Knock knows how much she's been wanting to leave the damned vessle.

"I just had to hear it from you." He said in shame.

"Knockout help us. Help me. Escape with us." She walked to the edge of the examination table. He looked at her like she was crazy.

"Are you out of your mind?" He tried to whisper.

"You are not a decepticon. There is good in you. Especially after you told me about Breakdown. Dreadwing changed and I know you have to." She explained.

She was right, he had changed. After Breakdown died, he realized how much he relied on him. Then when Shockwave came back, it made it harder to feel needed. The decepticons never cared about him. He was different than all of them. Shelby knew it. She made him feel wanted again. Though he would never admit it.

"You have been there for me and you are my friend. Please come with us and help plan our escape." She pleaded.

"I can't, Shelby. If Megatron found out about what I did. I'd be a dead con. I'd be hiding for the rest of my life." Knockout sighed. As much as he wished he could go, he knew he couldn't. At least not yet.

"I understand." She did understand. She knew where he was coming from. Dreadwing was the same way after she brought him back.

"But I will help you. Or at least try too." He told her.

She gave him a small smile as the conversation ended. She went back to buffing Dreadwing and Knockout started working on the other injuries he had. His chassis was buffed, his cuts have been soldered, his leg was whole again. Dreadwing was still in recharge. Shelby was sitting on him, hugging her knees. Taking in the view. It was hard for her to believe that he was really here. It had been four months since she had last seen him and now he was with her again. Knockout had left to do a mission for Megatron. So, it was just the two in the med bay. Shelby told him all about what had happened to her while she was on the Nemisis. Even though he was asleep she knew he was listening.

"And Shockwave made me this amazing suite to protect me. He even made it black and pink. Its pretty awesome." She chattered.

She sat there for a moment. Still trying to figure out how her life became to be like this. That was until Dreadwing started to stir under her. His deep ruby eyes flickered open. He gave a low groan, brought a servo up to his helm and rubbed it. Shelby stayed where she was to make sure he didn't get spooked.

You saved me. (A Dreadwing Tale) TFPWhere stories live. Discover now