The suit

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(Warning- Graphic content)

The yard was empty. The wind winding throughout the buildings, bringing up dust and leaves, scattering them all over the place. The shop was empty. Everything left exactly where it was. Dust was starting to settle on the equipment inside. The truck and trailer sat still broken on the inside. The fifth wheel had finally fallen though the bed of the truck. The weakness of the frame that was holding it finally caved in. This caused the gooseneck of the trailer to be finally been broken free of the fifth wheel after it fell though. It was now just leaning on the bottomed out truck. It just sat there, waiting for someone to fix it. The blanket is still in the same spot it was thrown on the couch. No one has been in here for some time. Same as with the house. Leaves scattered the porch. Cobwebs and dust collected on the windows and railings. The inside was dark and cold. Nothing has been moved in some time. A place that used to be full of life. Full of happiness and laughter. But it is slowly falling apart.

Shelby sits at her desk, drawing up another design. She had to get this one right. Lately her ideas haven't been making Megatron happy. She just can't do it anymore. She rests her head in her hand. Grabbing a fistful of her hair in the process.

"I don't know how much longer I can take this." She whispers to herself. A lone tear started form in her eye.

"4 months." She starts, "4 months I've been on this God forsaken ship. And all I do is draw designs and make new equipment for Megatron to try and destroy the Autobots with. But They all end up failing."

She gives a small smirk.

"The only good part about it, is the only reason I'm still alive, is because he hasn't found out about what I've been doing. " She whispers.

Instead of drawing a new design now, she starts a outline of Dreadwing. Adding all his details, from the sword on his back to the details on his power core. She drew him a lot. Especially at times like this, when she was running out of ideas.

There is a knock on the door, then the sound of it opening. Shelby doesn't bother looking over. She doesn't care anymore who it was that came in. She never got any privacy. They wouldn't even let her go back to her home to get some of her equipment. Megatron didn't want the Autobots getting any ideas. For the past few months she has been trying to get back to them. She doesn't even know if they have tried to come get her or if Dreadwing ever made it. She quickly takes the drawing of him and puts it in one of the drawers in the desk with all the others.

"Shockwave needs you in the lab." Says a honeyed voice.

She knows the voice all to well. Always pretending to be nice about everything but is really good for nothing son of a bitch.

"What does he want, Heels?" She taunts. She turns in her chair and looks up at Starscream as he starts to ball his servos up in anger.

"It's commander Starscream to you!" He snaps.

"Whatever." She gets up and walks to the ledge. Starscream stands there still fuming over what she said.

"Are we going or not?" She shouts. He gives a forced smile and holds his servo out for her. She jumps on and they leave the room.

Starscream was the one she trusted the least, but unfortunately, if Knockout was busy she had to deal with him. Knockout was the only one closest to a friend to her on the ship. He made sure she had everything she needed. Though she never left the ship, Knockout always brought something back for her. Whether it was something she needed or just something to remind her from the outside. Soundwave rarely acknowledged her. He only came and got her if she was needed for emergencies. Which lately had been often. She was running out of ideas to try. They walked into the lab and

You saved me. (A Dreadwing Tale) TFPWhere stories live. Discover now