I'll find you

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"Lets do this." She explained.

She walked over to where the first piece of glass was lodged. She carefully stepped down into the vent. With the new metal suit, she grabbed ahold making sure it wasn't going to actually cut her. When she realized it wasn't going to, she held tight and started to pull.

"For a shard of glass, this is really heavy." She strained.

She lifted her foot up and pushed against the wall. With one more grunt and a push, she fell back and shard fell on top of her. She gave a loud moan, which got Shockwaves attention, but before he would do anything the door to the lab opened up. Having no idea if Shockwave left or someone came in she yelled for help.

"Shockwave? Was that Shelby I just heard yell?" Shelby recognized Knockouts appealing voice.

"She's pulling glass out of the molecular machine." Shockwave casually said.

"She's What?" Yelled Knockout. He ran over to the machine and looked inside. What he saw surprised him.

"Um Shelby?" He asked suspiciously.

He saw the glass shard laying on top of a black and pink body. He couldn't tell it was Shelby, he didn't know about the suit. He heard some mumbles coming from under the piece of glass. Knockout quickly reached in and pulled it off of the squished women. She retracted the suit and attempted to catch her breath.

"Thank...You.." She said in between breaths.

She stayed laying on her back. The suit was now back in the small gadget she got it in and was laying on her chest. She watched it rise up and down as she filled her lungs with air.

"What happened? What is that small black thing on your chest? And what were you wearing." The questions from Knockout kept on coming. Shelby held up her hand telling him to stop. She slowly sat up and the gadget fell into her lap.

"Can I come out now?" She asked now that she had her breath back.

Knockout nodded and brought his servo down for her to step on. She got on her hands and knees and crawled on. She then proceeded to lay on her back again. He brought her up to his face and put a digit on her chest.

"What are you doing?" She asked in a blank tone.

"Checking your heart rate. You seem to be having trouble breathing." He explained.

"Of course I'm having trouble breathing. A giant shard of glass just fell on me." She shouted pushing his finger off of her. He was taken aback by her.

"And again I ask, Why was there a shard of glass on top of you." He fretted over her.

"Oh because it is only logical that because of my size I was able to get into the vent and get the shard of glass out. You know because it was logical." She said with making quotations with her fingers. He opened his mouth as an understanding it was Shockwaves fault. "But he did make me this cool suit." She held up the gadget to him so he could see it.

They walked over to the magnify glass so he could see it. As he was taking a look at it, he started mumbling about it.

"Well it did save you, so I would say its safe to use." Knockout said handing it back to her.

"Think with this we can convince Megatron to let me leave the ship?" She said excitedly. Not wanting to upset her, he just gave her a nod and a half smile.

"Lets take you back to your berthroom so you can relax from your fun events today." He changed the subject and left the room.

He didn't want her near when he started yelling at Shockwave about what he made her do today. Shockwaves only thought with logic not about what harm it could cause later. They started walking down the hallways and Shelby was talking to Knockout about the suit. She thought it was the best thing ever. She was also surprised it came from Shockwave. Knockout told her he would ask him later on why he made it for her. It wasn't like Shockwave to do things for a human. Maybe she was growing on him.

You saved me. (A Dreadwing Tale) TFPWhere stories live. Discover now