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The footsteps near the sound of Shelby's and Smokescreens voices. The sound of a weapon unsheathing is heard. Shelby brings her head up quickly and looks up outside.

"Who are you?" She curses, standing up fast. She has her pistol in her hand faster than Smokescreen could stand up.

"I asked you a question." She yells louder, pointing her weapon at him.

Smokescreen has yet to say anything. Unsure if he should intervine with the confrontation. The white bot stood in a warrior stance, his katanas pointed at the girl. He has a face shield covering his mouth. He has a red and green V on his torso, and red and green accenting along his body.

"Smokescreen has Wheeljack arrived?" Optimus asks over the comm.

"Yeah he just showed up." He coms back. Hearing this, both Shelby and Wheeljack put their weapons down. Wheeljack pulls his face shield back.

"So your Smokescreen." Wheeljack puts his katanas back behind his back. Shelby still has her weapon in her hand, but it is lowered.

"Yes and this is Shelby." Smokescreen introduces to him, then he turns to Shelby, "Its okay he's an Autobot."

Shelby gave Wheeljack a unconvinced look, but still put her weapon away. Wheeljack kneels down to get closer to Shelby.

"Don't worry I'm a Autobot. I just don't always follow Primes rules." He points out to her.

What he said seemed to appease her. She wasn't always one to follow rules. Especially when she first got into the military. As she got higher in rank, she calmed down with her antics and became more responsible. She had Marines to lead, and very sensitive equipment to take care of.

"Smokescreen please head back to base." They hear Optimus say.

"Roger that, sir" Smokescreen coms back.

"See you later, Shelby. Take care of her, Wheeljack. She's a feisty one." He chuckles before he heading through the ground bridge.

"Feisty ye? Bulkhead told me a little about you. But lets hear it from you." He suggests to her, flashing a smile. All she does is turn around and gesture for him to follow. He follows her into the shop, where she sits down to finish cleaning her weapons and explain everything to him.

*Time skip*

"And I had a argument with Mr. Sunshine, the medic, but was able to convince Prime to let me go home. And that's where you come in." She finishes her story to the wrecker. He has been listening intently the whole time. He gave a small chuckle when she said sunshine. Still, She didn't know why. She doesn't really care enough to ask.

"So wanna go shoot some guns?" She stands up with her M16 resting on her hip and a magazine in her hand. Wheeljack puts a smirk on his face.

"After you." He smiles, bowing and gesturing towards the door.

She curtsies back, "Thank you." She says with a smirk and starts to walk out. She puts her weapons on the back of her ATV and hops on.

"We are going to the back part of my property. So we don't have to worry about shooting the house. And I got a range set up back there." She explains turning to him.

"Keep up." She shouts quick before driving off, leaving Wheeljack in the dust. He transforms and raced off after her.

He quickly catches up to her. Being a race car it was no problem. She looks behind and saw that he has caught up. She almost went off the trail staring in awe at his alt mode. He notices and starts to laugh, using it to his advantage. Thus, this makes her come back to her senses and look forward.

You saved me. (A Dreadwing Tale) TFPWhere stories live. Discover now