I just want to go home.

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The doctors started to rush in, pushing Dreadwing out of the way. He knew they need to do their job, but he didn't want Shelby out of his sight.

"Dreadwing!" Shelby cried out.

"I'm right here. They need to make sure you okay." He tired to comfort her.

They were asking her tons of questions. Most of which she couldn't answer. She didn't want to answer. She didn't want to be here. So she chose to be silent. She put on a straight face and looked straight ahead. Ignoring the doctors.

"Shelby we need you to speak to us. We are going to be sending you to see a phycologist. I think it will do you some good." Said one of the doctors.

Shelby turned her head and looked him straight in the eye. Giving him a glare. A glare that would of made anyone want to be dead at the moment.

"I'm sorry, Doc. But I don't think she would like that." Dreadwing told him.

"After what has happened to her, she needs to seek treatment." The same doctor told Dreadwing.

"You can't make her. She's not even from here. Maybe she would rather see her own doctors back home." He stated.

"She is under my care and is unable to leave until I release her." The doctor walked closer to Dreadwing.

"She clearly doesn't want to be here. So maybe you should release her." Dreadwing suggested glaring at the doctor.

"Okay, I think you should step out." June intervened. She grabbed ahold of Dreadwings arm to try and get him to leave the room.

"No! I will not leave Shelby." He yelled angrily.

"She will be fine. The doctors are just doing their job." June assured him.

He angrily followed June out of the room and started to pace.

Shelby sat in the bed, trying to ignore the doctors. They kept asking her question after question. Finally she had enough.

"I just want to go home! I have been stuck in my mind for way to long and all I want is to go home. And a drink. Jack and coke would do just fine right about now." She screamed at the doctors standing in front of her.

Each one took a slow step back. They started trying to explain what they needed to do, before she should go home.

"Blah blah blah. I don't care. I'll go see a doctor in my own town." She yet again screamed at them.

"Fine, but we want to keep you overnight. Just to make sure everything else is fine." Shelby gave him a huff and looked away.

The doctor looked at all the others and with a nod they left the room.

Dreadwing immediately ran back in the room after the last doctor left. Shelby was laying down on her side and staring out the window. Her crystal blue eyes now a dark Navy blue, they look lifeless and emotionless. Dreadwing looked over the bright and happy girl he used to know. The girl in front of him now was nothing he'd ever seen before. He couldn't read her face, he couldn't tell what she was thinking. He is almost afraid to go near her. He gave a low cough to let her know he was there. Unsure if he should go near. She looked over at him, giving him recognition, then looked back at the window. He went over to her and sat in the chair next to her. She reached her hand out. He was unsure what to do or why she was doing that. She shook her hand trying to tell him to hold it. He quickly put his hand in hers. She gave a light squeeze.

There was no talking, no crying, no laughing. There wasn't anything. Shelby stayed emotionless. She never moved from her position. Dreadwing kept a hold on her hand. He never had to deal with something like this. He wanted to talk to her, but she didn't look to be in the mood. The night went on like this. Eventually after it started to get dark. Shelby's hand loosened it's hold on Dreadwing. Dreadwing looked up and noticed she had fallen asleep. He let out a long sigh. Glad she is getting some rest. He felt some feelings he never felt before. His spark wanted him to act out on these impulses he was having. Telling him to lay with her, to hold her close. If this was any normal circumstances he probably would of. Though the way Shelby was acting tonight, there was no way he was going to try.

You saved me. (A Dreadwing Tale) TFPWhere stories live. Discover now