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Shelby is in shock.

She can't believe after bringing him back to life, that he would leave. She is still sitting in Optimus's servo after they went back down into base. He didn't dare put the shocked female down. He felt that this was his fault. Because now that they don't know where he went, something could happen to him and if Dreadwing went back to Megatron. He could or would tell him where their base was. His team is now in grave danger. Everyone sits in silence waiting for their leader to speak. Ratchet stands by the computers attempting to get Dreadwing signal.

Everyone thought the Prime would be the first to speak. "I think I should go home." Shelby spoke silently.

Optimus, being the only one who heard her words, while everyone jumped in surprise to hear her voice, "I don't think you should go home. The Decepticons know of your home and could target it." Optimus expresses to her with concern.

"Then I need to go home. I need to protect it." She stands now, determination written on her face.

"And how do you plan on protecting it. You to small to face a con." scowls Ratchet from over at the computers.

"Hey Sunshine, you don't know me. And you obviously didn't see me shoot that purple con, he jetted out of there pretty fast." She yells to him.

Everyone staring back and forth from Ratchet to Shelby. Miko and Bulkhead were laughing, Everyone but Shelby knew why.

"Hahaha Sunshine." Miko giggled out.

Ignoring her, Ratchet speaks again, "You just got lucky. You think that measly weapon will be able to do that again?"

He struts over to her, Optimus brings her in closer to his chest. Both growling at each other.

"Ratchet, Shelby that's enough!" Optimus booming voice halts everything. Everything becomes dead silent.

After a few minutes of silence, and the angry two still staring at each other, both seem to be arguing with their eyes, Optimus breaks the contact. Taking his servo and moving it up high out of Ratchets eye sight. Ratchet scoffs and walks back over the computers.

Without turning around, he scorns, "Let her go back, apparently she can battle cons better than us."

"Ratchet." Optimus warned. And again there is silence. Except maybe from the quiet whispering of Bulkhead and Miko.

"Can you please bring me down now?" Shelby asks looking down from on top of Optimus's servo. He quickly brings it down. "All the way down please. I need to go home." She says looking at Optimus.

She jumped off of Optimus's servo. "I can't force you to stay here. But I would like Smokescreen to go with you." He professes to her just before setting her down on the ground.

"I get a human!" Smokescreen exclaims jumping up and down.

"No, I will be fine." She concludes to Optimus but is looking at Smokescreen. Smokescreen notices her glare and immediately stops and puts a serious face on.

"Please, if you won't stay here. Let one of my Autobots go with you. I can't let any harm come to a human. Especially with skills to revive our species." Optimus says in almost a begging tone. She looks down for a moment, thinking.

"Fine, but does Smokescreen have to come with me. He's so childish." She asks him.

"Hey! I'm a warrior." He steps up to her. Shelby scoffs him off. Arcee and Jack stood in the back shaking their heads, while Bulkhead and Miko were still snickering to themselves.

"He is the only one besides Ratchet and I who isn't already guarding a human. And I can't go and neither can Ratchet." Optimus explains, kneeling down to her level.

You saved me. (A Dreadwing Tale) TFPWhere stories live. Discover now