Your safety

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As they pulled out of the driveway, Shelby couldn't help but feel upset about leaving Dreadwing. She wished he could come along. But she needs to keep his safety priority number one.

"Where are we heading too?" The baritone voice of Optimus pulls her out of her thoughts.

"We are going to a military surplus store in a few towns over. Unfortunately it will take us about three hours to get there. I just hope we make it back in time." She says looking into her lap.

"Why don't we ground bridge?" He questions.

"I thought about it. But it's in the middle of a town. We would be seen easy." She explains. Optimus doesn't say anything back and the ride becomes silent.

After about 15 minutes of driving, "Optimus come in" Ratchets voice is heard though the radio.

"I'm here, old friend."

"Your being followed." Shelby looks up out of the mirror.

"I don't see anything." She says still looking at the mirror.

"I think it's Dreadwing." Ratchet replys.

"I told him to stay put." She growls. "Pull over, Optimus"

He pulls off to the side of the road. The road is empty for miles. Woods on either side. No houses in sight. Shelby jumps angerly out of the truck. Optimus stays in his alt mode. Shelby can hear the sound of Dreadwing's alt. She stands in the middle of the road looking at the sky. He can be heard but not seen...yet.

Dreadwing spots them stopped from a distance.. He wonders if something was wrong. He lowers himself in the trees. Just enough so he doesn't get caught in them. He can still see them as he flies closer. He is close enough to see Shelby jump out of the truck and walk into the middle of the road. 'What is she doing?' he thinks to himself. He isn't close enough to see her face, but boy did he not want to know. If he could see her, he would be able to see the steam coming out of her ears. Her face contorted in anger. She stays in the middle of the road. As he get closer he realized why she was.

"Frag" Is all he mutters before landing in front of her.

Now he can see her face. Her normal bright blue eyes are now a deep blue. If they could turn colors, it would be a violent fire scorching inside. He winces back after looking at her. Her hands are in fist at her side. Her body seeming to be stiff. He glances down at her gun. Lucky for him, her hands aren't on it, but she is thinking about it. Her lips are pierced together. She wants to scream at him. He is supposed to stay home and stay safe. He shouldn't be using his energy up.

"Dreadwing." Her words pierce though him like knives. "Your supposed to be at home."

He looked down in shame. He made her upset and he doesn't like that feeling. She sees the look on his face. The guilt showing in his red optics. She unclenches her hands and her face softens.

"I don't want you wasting the energy you have left. And you are safer at home." She turns around and pulls something out of her back pocket. It is red and white box with some wording on it. She flips the top of it open and brings it up to her face. She gently uses her teeth to grab one of the nicotine sticks out of the box. She puts the box back in her back pocket and pulls a silver zippo out of her front pocket. She brings it to the end of the cigarette and flicks it until a flame grew. The flame lit the end and she inhales. Dreadwing watches as she takes a few puffs of it before she turns back around.

"I didn't mean for you to get angry," He decides he needs to be the first to speak, "I just wanted you to make it alright and come back safe." He kneels down to her level.

You saved me. (A Dreadwing Tale) TFPWhere stories live. Discover now