We are there for you

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The days and nights past with very little seeming to change. Shelby never left the base. She usually stayed in the room she shared with Dreadwing. She kept away from everyone. She didn't speak unless spoken too. Dreadwing could barely get her to talk. She spent most of her time cleaning her weapons.

Taking them apart, reassembling them.

Taking them apart, reassembling them.

All day long. She barely ate, she only drank. Alcohol and lots of it. She could always hold her liquor, and now she drank it like water. It did nothing to her. Her body was so immune to it. She took her sips in between her weapon cleaning. She would usually go with Bumblebee or Bulkhead to go get it, as well cigarettes. She wanted to go with Dreadwing, but his alt would confuse a lot of people.

They were all starting to get worried for her. Jack had explained the effects of alcohol to the bots and ex con after Dreadwing brought up the issue with all the liquor bottles starting to litter the floor of their room. He told them that she was abusing it now. It wasn't just a drink for a good time with her anymore. It was beginning to become a problem.

"We must stop her drinking then." Optimus ordered.

"Optimus, you can't just tell a drinker to stop drinking. She needs to go to therapy. She needs to get help. If this continues she will become more and more dependent on the alcohol. It will only get worse." Explained Jack.

"When I first met her, she didn't seem to drink a lot." Dreadwing stated.

"It doesn't take a lot for someone to become alcohol dependent. My mom said we need to see if she has a record of Alcoholism or if it runs in the family." Jack told them.

"How do we find that out?" Arcee asked.

"I'd say check her house, but that obviously won't work." Jack stated.

"We still got Silas locked up, lets ask him. He is her father." Bulkhead suggested.

Upon hearing this and agreeing, Optimus and Dreadwing made there way to where they were keeping Silas locked up.

They stormed into the room, both their faces showed anger.

"Wake up!" Yelled Dreadwing as he yanked Silas out of statis. Silas awoke with a groggy start.

"Does alcoholism run in Shelby's family?" Optimus voice echoed throughout the room.

Silas gave them a smirk.

"Why has poor Shelby taken up a little drinking?" He asked slyly.

Dreadwing gave a low growl, causing Silas to flinch.

"No, no one in the family had a drinking problem. No one, not even me, drank. It is something that happens to some members of the military when they have PTSD." He explained.

"And what is that?" Dreadwing asked his teeth clenched together.

"Maybe you should ask Shelby. She would be able to give you a better answer, since she is the one who has it." Silas smirked.

Dreadwing went to punch him, but Optimus stopped him before he could. Dreadwing turned swiftly on his feet and walked out of the room abruptly.

"Ratchet, please put him back in statis." Optimus told the medic, then he followed Dreadwing out of the room.

"Jack, does your mother know anything about PTSD?" Dreadwing asked as he walked into the larger area of the building.

"I'm not sure, but I can ask her." Jack took out his cell phone and proceeded to dial his mothers number.

You saved me. (A Dreadwing Tale) TFPWhere stories live. Discover now