Come back to me

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Dreadwing continued to pace throughout the base. It's been an hour since Ratchet came back from dropping Shelby and June off at the hospital. They have yet to hear anything.

"Heard anything yet, Jack?" Dreadwing stopped pacing for a moment to ask the black haired boy.

"Not since you asked 10 minutes ago. I'm sure she is fine. They are probably running a bunch of test to cross everything off the list." Jack assured him.

Dreadwing gave a low scowl and continued to pace. He didn't like not being able to be with Shelby. She had become his world. He just got her back and now she's gone again.

"Its finished." Ratchet boosted from another part of base.

"What's finished, Ratchet?" Miko asked.

Ratchet walked closer to the upper deck the humans hung out on. He held a tiny microchip in the palm of his servo.

"Uh what is it?" Miko dully asked.

"This will let Dreadwing be able to go be with Shelby in the hospital." Ratchet exclaimed, excited about his little invention.

"You were able to complete it. Well done, old friend." Optimus gave Ratchet a pat on the back.

Dreadwing stopped pacing and walked over to the group. Curious on how such a tiny chip could get him into the hospital.

"I will have to surgically install it, but once its in you will be able to become human to be with Shelby."

Dreadwing gasp, this could be the best news he heard all day. "Do it." He ordered.

*At the hospital*

"From what we can see, nurse Darby. She's perfectly healthy everywhere else. Unfortunately, I believe she has suffered extreme trauma and her brain has just shut down to try and understand what's going on around her. She just needs some time to wake." Said one of the doctors.

June let out a breath she didn't realize she was holding. "So she is not in a coma?" She had to make sure.

"No, just resting. We will need to run more test once she is awake. From what you told me, she is going to need help processing what she has had to deal with." He answered.

"Thank you, Doctor." She thanked. He gave her a small nod and walked away to help with other patients.

"I'm looking for Shelby Bishop."

June heard a familiar voice say down the hall. She stepped out of the room to see who it was.

"I'm sorry only family can visit her at this moment." A nurse told the man.

"I am her family!" He yelled angrily at her.

He was tall and muscular. He wore black combat boots and fit blue jeans. He was wearing a plain golden V-neck t-shirt with a blue and golden leather jacket. His hair was black with highlights of blue and blond. The sneer on his face and the cold look in his ruby red eyes told June exactly who he was.

"Nurse he's good. He's with me." June interrupted the scene.

The frightened girl gave her a nod and Dreadwing followed her.

"How are human?" June asked silently.

"Ratchet created a small device to make me human. So I could come see Shelby." Dreadwing explained.

"You must really love her?" June teased.

Dreadwing looked at her in confusion. He never thought of himself loving someone.

You saved me. (A Dreadwing Tale) TFPWhere stories live. Discover now