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I normally stayed at base, but today I was told I was going on the convoy to one of the other fobs. Some of my equipment was malfunctioning, so they needed me to go do some repairs. My corporals that were out there weren't able to figure it out. I don't mind going. It will be nice to get out of the base. I was going to be riding in the eighth vic with the commander. Because of my mos, I have to be just as protected as the commander. If they lose me, they lose their equipment. Even though my platoon knows how to repair and work them, I'm the one who designed them, I know the ins and outs of them. They need me. It felt good to be needed, unlike when growing up.

The convoy is almost ready to go. I got my weapon and pack and about to get in my truck.

"Alright men, lets go." Yells the commander.

I watch everyone hop in their trucks, the gunners get on their guns, then I get in. I have my Kevlar and flack jacket on. Holding my weapon close to me. Then we start to move.

*Time skip*

We are about 6 hours into the trip. Unfortunately it's a day trip. I am so bored back here. I was told I could try and sleep. But I just can't do it. I feel the need to stay awake. Somethings not right and I don't know why. I can't put my finger on it. I want to say something, but it doesn't matter what I think. I don't even know what I'd tell them. 'Hey I feel like something bad is about to happen. we should stop it.' Yeah I think they would look at me like I was stupid. This is going to be a long drive.

*Time skip*

We are only about an hour away now. My anxiety is through the roof now. Something is defiantly wrong. The commander has tried to contact the fob and so far we haven't heard back from them. Everyone in the truck is worried now. We don't know what's going on.

"C...CV239...This....F....17...F...1718...." Static starts to come through the com.

"F1718 This is CV239 copy." The commander said back into the radio. Worry could be heard in his voice.

"Under...ack..Hurry." We looked at each other.

"If that is what I think I heard. we need to hurry." I said. My men were in danger. All our men were in danger. The commander radio up to the first vic and told them to step on it.

We roll up about a thirty minutes later we roll up on the fob...or what's left of it. We are to late. I jump out of the vic, barely hearing the yelling from my commander to get back in the truck. I have to find my platoon. It looks like whoever did this is long gone now. I'm running though looking for survivors. Dead bodies are scattered everywhere. Friendly and enemy. I feel someone grab my arm, trying to stop me. I jerk my arm away and continue to search. The tent that my guys would of been in, is just bit further. Its hard to tell where anything was, they way it has all been destroyed. If we would of been here earlier, this might not have happened. You can see where the enemy threw grenades. You couldn't even tell who the body's were. There was nothing left of them. Just torn and shattered body's. Blood, its like the ground is bleeding. There is so much of it. I keep walking, more like jogging. Trying not to step on anything.

I step up to where the tent my men should be in. Its torn apart. Shell casings lie all around. At least I know they put up a fight. I move part of the tent away. I see one of my guys right away. He had his weapon still in his hands. I kneel down next to him. Tears start to form in my eyes. He has, from what I can see, 4 shots right though his chest. Blood seeping though. He's lost so much. I bend down and pick up his head and move it onto my lap. He's still warm. I am to late. I should of been here sooner. I look over to my right, under some rubble, I see my senior corporal. His heads been crushed in. You can barely tell its him. I only know, because I can see his rank and name tag. He was shot as well. But I think the blow to the head is what killed him. I'm crying now. There should be two more, but I don't know if I want to look anymore. I feel a hand on my shoulder. I look up and see Fisher, he came with me to check the equipment. He's kneeled next to me. His eyes show that he's hurting. It looked as if he wanted to cry too, but was trying to be strong for me. For all of us.

You saved me. (A Dreadwing Tale) TFPWhere stories live. Discover now