The truth comes out

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*Warning - Graphic Content*

"What is going on in here?" Megatron scolded.

His powerful steps causing the ground to shake. Knockout continued to work on Starscream's throat, while Starscream pointed his finger in fear at Dreadwing. Megatron looked over at Dreadwing, to see him struggling against his binds. Anger blinded him to what was going on around him. The minute he got a chance he was going to rip Starscream to shreds. Shockwave began to explain what was going on when he walked in. Megatron stood there listening, nodding as acknowledgment that he understands.

"Tell Shelby she might want to start working faster. As I might have to get rid of Dreadwing again to ensure cons stay alive." Megatron looked over at Starscream. "And as for you, Starscream, Stay way from the med bay, unless necessary."

Starscream cowered away in fear.

Knockout finished with Starscream and Starscream ran out of the med bay, not taking a look back. Dreadwing tried his hardest to get out of his hold.

"Soundwave collect the girl and bring her to the med bay." Megatron commed. He brought his digit down from his audio receptor, "I want extra security around here. Make sure he does not leave that table."

And with that he walked out of the room. Shockwave had also left the room. Leaving only Knockout and a struggling Dreadwing.

"You know he's a traitorous piece of scrap." Dreadwing scorned.

Knockout looked over at him, keeping a straight face.

"He has no honor, no loyalty. He only thinks of himself." Dreadwing continued.

"He's a con. What do you expect? Aren't we all like that?" Knockout sassed.

This angered Dreadwing even more. Shelby told him how Knockout was to her. How he had taken care of her. How he put her before him. Knockout wasn't the same flashy, egotistical brat he used to be. So why is he still acting like it in front of him.

"Shelby told me different." Dreadwing. Knockout looked away in shame.

"What did she tell you?" He quietly asked.

"I didn't believe that she was talking about you. You cared for her when I couldn't. I am in your debt for that." He reminded him.

"Well the way she talked about you didn't sound like you either." Knockout huffed back.

"I will admit my change. I didn't want to be apart of the decepticon cause anymore. After I planned to kill Starscream, I planned on leaving for good." Dreadwing admitted. He wasn't ashamed anymore. He was happy he changed. He changed for the better.

"I have not changed! I am a decepticon!" Knockout yelled at him. He strutted over and got in Dreadwings face.

"I suggest you get out of my face." Dreadwing warned.

"I will do what I want. This is still my medical bay." Knockout was losing control of his anger.

"I was only doing what I was told. I was put in charge of her." Knockout continued.

"Then why did you care for her? Why does she think of you as a friend?" Dreadwing asked.

Knockout scoffed at this. "I do not care for her. We are not friends. I was only following orders. She is just some fleshling, who has done nothing but be a burden." Knockout ranted.

"Is that true, Knockout?" A feminine voice rang out.

Soundwave slowly walked in with Shelby on his servo. Her arms were at her side, she was looking up at Knockout with her bright blue, saddened eyes. Her mouth was open just a bit from shock. Knockout turned fast and stared wide eyed at her. Guilt filling his processor. He knew he couldn't say no with Soundwave standing there. He would have to lie to her. He would have to break her heart. He opened his mouth to talk, but nothing came out. He couldn't speak. Not a word came out of his vocalizer.

You saved me. (A Dreadwing Tale) TFPWhere stories live. Discover now