Thank you

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*Update 3* 

There is a third book out now called "Find Me". After you read this and the sequel "Bring Me Back", Look for the third. I did not think I was going to write a third, but peer pressure got to me. And don't worry, I'm okay with that. I hope you all enjoy. 


*Update #2*

I have published the first four chapters of 'Bring me Back'. You can look for it on my page. I really hope you enjoy it.
Thanks again



So I now have a name for the sequel. It will be called 'Bring me back'. I have 2 chapters done already. I just want to have a few more done, before I publish them. That way you guys have more than one chapter to read right away.

Thank you so much for your patience!


I want to thank all my readers who have been with me throughout Dreadwing's and Shelby's journey finding each other. Don't worry I plan on writing a sequel. I know I left a lot of unanswered questions, but it just felt like a good spot to end it. It will be a bit before I publish the sequel. I want to have a few chapters done for you guys. Again, thank you all for the wonderful comments. I enjoyed every minute of writing this book.

I can't wait to see you all back for the next book. I do not have a name yet for it. When I do, I will update this page with the name.

Thank you,


Over 10k reads!!!!! I am so estatic!!! Thank you all for making this possible. To me it is a major accomplishment. I don't know what I'd do without you guys. I don't think I could ever thank you all enough.

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