Don't make me squish you!

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He stared at her. She stared back. He stood in the entry of the door, arms to his side. She stood on the platform, her arms crossed. No emotion showed from either of them. How long they stood there for was unsure. Neither said a word to each other. Though Soundwave did make a vow of silence, there were many words he wanted to say to the now defenseless human. He was not going to let this girl get to him. It was going to be hard for the two of them to be near each other. The only reason Soundwave was there in the first place was because Megatron told him to come and get the fleshing. After a few more moments of staring. He releases one of his tentacles to grab her. She sees it coming after her. Just before he is able to grab her, she jumps out of the way. There is no way she is going to let him grab her again.

After dodging the tentacles for a while. She began to grow tired. She hid in the bathroom to catch her breath. Her back against the door. Soundwave uses his tentacle to knock repeatedly on the door. Thus starting to anger Shelby. But she has no plan to give in.

"Soundwave what is taking so long?" Megatrons voice raged throughout her room. It causes her to jump in surprise. Soundwave hears her yelp and knew now was his chance. He broke the door down and grabbed her by wrapping his tentacle claw around her waist.

"Put me down, you octopus." She screamed.

He brought her close to his chest and started to walk down the hallway, ignoring her threats. Eventually she gave in. She rested her right arm across Soundwave's long finger and her left elbow using her hand to hold her head up. The hallways all look the same to Shelby. It made her kind if tired, seeing the same scene, but soon the scene changed and they were in the bridge if the ship. Shelby put her head up and looked around. The room is dark, as well as everything around her. Megatron is standing at the end of a long black and purple bridge. He is looking out of the giant bay window showing the Earth below. Soundwave walks along the bridge over to Megatron.

"Ah, Soundwave you finally got the girl. Hand her to me." He turned to look at the girl, his servo out for Soundwave to drop her on.

Megatron turns back and Soundwave leaves the room. Shelby sat cross-legged on his servo, arms crossed and looked out the window. It didn't really hit her how far from home she really was...tell now. A small tear formed in her eye, but she quickly wiped it away. Not need to show a sign of weakness to these giant brutes. Megatron gazed down at her.

"I'm sure your wondering why I wanted you here." He starts to say.

"Something about me bringing Dreadwing back to life. Which by the way was an accident. I didn't know what I was doing." She cut him off. Bringing her knees up, she lazily put her arms on top of them.

"I need to know how. You would be a good asset to us in repair of our injured. You will be helping Knockout and Shockwave with any injuries and improvements." He tries to sound sweet.

"Improvements? I'm a human engineer. How the hell can I help you?" She sneers.

"You were in the military. Were you not?" He asks, his face straight, making her unable to try and read him.

"Yes I was. But what does that have to do with anything?" She questions.

"Then you will make plenty of improvements." He releases the smirk that had been playing on his lips.

"Knockout will show you around, he will be your guide while you are aboard." He continues.

"Oh great." She sighs.

"Knockout! come to the bridge." He orders over a comm link.

"Coming, my liege." Said Knockout on the other line.

You saved me. (A Dreadwing Tale) TFPWhere stories live. Discover now