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"JAEHYOOOONS" Yuta yelled, wrapping his arm around the rigid boy's shoulder.

Jaehyun cheered up his voice as energetic as possible,"HEYYY YUTA."

"You're so late I've been standing here for hours." Yuta playfully slapped the other's arm.

Yuta was always the sociable guy towards everyone, so when the bright signatured smile of his showed up, Jaehyun wasn't that surprised but remained hesitant.

"A-Ah sorry,I was just sleeping." He lightened his expression as a disguise of his unknown nervousness.

"Anyway,I'm throwing a party this Saturday." Yuta smirked sheepishly,"It's Taeyong's birthday and I'm saoooo excited!"

"That's cool man!" He forced his lips into an unapparent curve,the clutched fists hidden in his pocket aches.

Jaehyun,again,realized that he never really knew his crush much,he didn't even know his birthday.

The times they get to contact are merely when they dance in the studio.

Mostly it would be him staring at the back of Taeyongs unconsciously in class or just blankly watching him and his friends,even with his boyfriend, from afar.

"You have to come,he talks about you a lot."

Whether Yuta's words were authentic or not,yet he felt a warm current ran through his heart right after the association of Taeyong.

"Hmm,how do you say that again?...Ah,be there or be square!"Yuta spoke and high-fived the giggling Mark beside,"Gosh gotta go!Miss Kim's gonna choke me to death if I be late the third time.BYE!"

Literally every word about you shakes my vulnerable heart violently
What have you done to me?

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