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"Jaehyun,I-I don't think you should drink this much...",Taeyong hesitated but eventually snatched the glass away,"You look like a ripe red lobster now."

Those locked up brows made Jaehyun slightly chuckle as he poured himself another glass of soju,leaving Taeyong dumbfounded and apprehensive.

"I'm fine,seriously-." As a hiccup disrupted his words,"My mind is crystal clear.Don't fuss about it."

The jolly Jaehyun crooked his rigid neck, flabbergasting Taeyong with those crack sounds.

"You sure you're ok?Are you tired yet?Do you want to go home?I'll take you-",He bombarded with tons of questions.

"Noooo,I'm fine,you're the one who's drunk remember?" A smile crawled onto his face.

Jaehyun leaned towards with his elbow on the table supporting his tilted head,he had a alluring smirk which seemed fatal to Taeyong and not to mention those aesthetic dimples.

"...rude." Taeyong muttered,holding his breath.

For the sake of his throbbing heart,he readily searched for water from the messy table full of bottles and dishes, but ended up with liquor burning down his throat.

Taeyong choked on the sudden stimulation, his rim of eyes reddened as if tears were to appear out of nowhere.

Jaehyun caught his sense back a bit with obscure sobriety right after he heard the painful cough,"…!?Tae,you ok?"

He responded with a nod and a disgusted face,"I can't believe you've just drunk two bottle of these..."

"wow you do have a child's taste."

"Sh-shut up"

Recalling the moment when they watched the movie together,Jaehyun chuckled at his pout.

"Cute." He pinched Taeyong's cheek with softened stares.

Maybe it was the effects of hard drinks that reign over his body ,or merely,giving him the guts to do something bold than before,he suddenly had this unknown confidence to make a different step spontaneously,unlike his passive behavior before.

Taeyong widened his eyes and could almost feel vapor coming out above his head.

"I-I'll p-pay the b-ills so uhm.."

Jaehyun stared at the fleeing silhouette,he shook his head and grab both of their belongings before pacing towards the counter as well.


Dannnnngggg I shouldn't be here right now but I can't help my procrastinating butt and I'm so stressed argghhhhh🌚

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