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"Tae and I...I've always had this feeling that we were meant to be..."

Balled fist showing conspicuous veins,Yuta's hands formed a praying gesture,he inhaled endlessly with a hesitant voice.

"He was always there even though we behave as total oppositions..."

Jaehyun noticed a bittersweet smile across from him,a mixture of intense and complex emotions flowing between.

"Then I realized I was being a jerk lately,taking everything he did for granted,deteriorating our relationship..."

His rueful tone was clear enough for Jaehyun to paraphrase the meaning behind,they still want each other.

"I almost forgot how beautiful his smile was, realizing that he hasn't been smiling lately..."

The moment when Yuta buried his face into his palms carved deep in Jaehyun's mind.

He couldn't care less about what kind of mental breakdown Yuta had,his own heart was all torn apart; still,he thoughtlessly passed the tissue to the older.

The rest of their meet up wasn't well clarified in Jaehyun's head,but sitting on the swing solitarily again now, he started to absorb the informations.

Yuta seemed to appreciate his existence a lot,although he didn't really understand what he had done,he literally just listened and nodded silently,

which made Jaehyun sick inside.

Yuta's determined pupils,trembling voice and fiddling fingers were as if stifling Jaehyun,leading him to complete blank.

As far as Jaehyun is concerned,his conclusion came out after exchanging several breaths with the heated summer air.

Maybe it was the smothering weather that melt him,washing away the remnant of pain that drove him insane and let guilt avalanched.

He really wants him.

"and sure he will..." Jaehyun mumbled under his breath.

The confidence he obtained lately broke into fissures as a numb smile arose,he lowered his head to see a feeble shadow of him.

The feeling is mutual.

Yuta's message popped up all of a sudden,making Jaehyun soaked in his unbridled thoughts

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Yuta's message popped up all of a sudden,making Jaehyun soaked in his unbridled thoughts.

"sometimes I feel like I'm a fish,
you can never like me because there is no oxygen around me."

Not until the sunset wrapped him up with warm glitters did he pace back home.

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