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Jaehyun wrapped himself tighter with his jacket,the wind was as if gnawing his skin,making trivial tingles.

Half past nine,that meant he had been waiting for nearly two hours, and there was still no sign of Taeyong showing up.

Jaehyun sighed,sending the two kids whom he played with back to their mom before he sat on the swing, desolated.

He was then the only person left at the park.

Mark texted him to go home,saying he shouldn't just grin and bear everything; he should find someone who cherishes him.

Sighing again,he shoved his phone back to his pocket,dusting his bottom and was to walk away.

That's when Taeyong ran into his sight,panting hard,"..S-SOR-SORRY...."

Before Jaehyun to start the conversation,he gulped his words down,seeing those red eye sockets of Taeyong.

"Have you eaten anything?" Jaehyun rebuilt a warm smile on his face.

Taeyong shook his head.

"Then let's go grab some food." He pulled an arm around his shoulder and took him for some Korean food nearby,"We can get my ears pierced another day."

It was never easy to spare yourself a bit of love when you accustomed to love others fully.

Taeyong set his chin on Jaehyun's shoulder as if berthing at a harbor,comfort and security flooded.

A thought occurred to his mind -Jaehyun was always there whenever he needed him,was he taking everything for granted?

But it only appeared briefly as they started walking.

Deep inside he hindered himself from ambiguous veins;he knew he shouldn't be over thinking.

It's like a god damn tragedy because you look at him and see the stars while he looks at you and sees the sun.
Eventually, you both thought the other was just looking at the ground.

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