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"Sir we're really sorry ,there are no seats available for this movie now." The clerk gave the two customers an apologizing look,"We only have this animation for kids now."

Taeyong exchanged glances with Jaehyun then payed for the tickets,"It won't be that bad,right?"

Jaehyun shrugged and pointed for popcorn and coke.

After seated in the front row,Jaehyun scratched his nape and started a conversation,"Hey,thanks for the movie."

"Nah, I got one of the tickets free." Taeyong emphasized and winked,causing Jaehyun to chuckle but quickly covered his mouth due to the darken lights.

They both leaned back and tried to indulge in the movie ,even though none of them heard of it before.

But the place was in fact full of kids, a lot more annoying than their expectations.

The vivacious kid beside Taeyong cheered when the hero appeared,hands smacking the innocent one and accidentally toppled his drink all over him.

"SS-SORRY!" The young lad shout-whispered,pale with fear.

"…It's ok,don't worry." Taeyong consoled the kid and induced him to focus on the movie.

As he sat back,eyebrows knitted thinking of how to get rid of the stickiness,Jaehyun already took out tissues and tried to wipe the conspicuous stain for him.

Something distinctive started to develope in his heart that made his brain function buffer for awhile.

The name Yuta flashed in his mind out of nowhere, indescribable feelings extending immensely.

Not until Jaehyun stopped and gazed into his intense eyes did Taeyong notice that their faces were merely three centimeters away.

'This is not what it supposed to be,right?' He clenched onto his insanely throbbing heart.

Cigarettes and Tea | JaeyongWhere stories live. Discover now