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Half an hour after Jaehyun sent his address to Yuta,the latter strided into the elevator,pressed 5th floor;he anxiously stared at the slowly increasing number on the small screen.

"what am I even doing here...?" he mumbled to himself,he had always thought a rational talk would rebuild their relationship,somehow he felt blank more than determined at the moment.

The elevator opened as he immediately lifted his head up,Jaehyun was leaning on the low wall merely ten steps away.

Their eyes made an unreadable contact for awhile before Jaehyun spoke up.

"He's in the second room on your right." He gestured Yuta to enter the door behind.

That was when Yuta finally realized something,he couldn't help but notice the unveraciousness under Jaehyun's smile,it was a mix of concern,despair,and relief which he didn't really understand.

Pursing his lips,he placed his hand on Jaehyun's shoulder with a sincerity written all over his face,"....I really don't know what to say but.....thank you,thank you so so so much."

Jaehyun forced a vigorous smile to crawl onto his face,"no problem, bro."

The boy responded with his iconic smirk before dashing into the apartment,he inhaled deeply as he pass through the corridor.

Left alone in solitary,Jaehyun trembled slightly due to the not-so-gentle summer breeze he anticipated. Instead of frustration,anger or even sadness,he felt nothing.

"...He better treat him right." he muttered under his breath before leaving the building for a walk. Although he was shivering a bit,he couldn't care any lesser.

Roaming under dim streetlights,the light yellow ray didn't seem warm and approachable as usual,it was rather irritating to Jaehyun.

He realised he forgot to bring his phone when he shove his hands into his pocket,trying to know what time it is.

He groaned in annoyance, feeling nothing was doing right in his life.As he passed by a bunch of teenagers gathering in the park,an idea he might regret for good came up.

11th July,
ten days after Taeyong's birthday,
he bought his first pack of cigarettes.


...I just realized that I used nearly 30 chapters to portray 10 days

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