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Returned to the living room,he saw a mug of black tea in front of his former seat. Alongside was Taeyong,gripping to another cup firmly with both hands,knuckles painted paleness because of his uncontrolled force.

Jaehyun sighed in defeat,slumping onto the couch before gently removing Taeyong's fingers in case he hurt himself unconsciously. The move most promptly pulled back his lost attention.

"so...were you two in a fight or something?do you want to talk?"


Taeyong averted his eyes towards anywhere else but the one who asked,"t-try some tea,I made it for you.I remember you like black tea too."

Those words lead Jaehyun to a slight rise of his lips as he sipped on his beverage,however,letting the paradox in him tearing him apart gradually.

Taeyong,no I don't.
you still don't get it do you?

I drink tea because of you like it ,only because of you

As the already cold liquid whirled in his oral,rolling down his throat,he felt the strongest whim to tear up, yet he held back as usual.

Tea,which lost it's temperature,why does it tastes bitter than doomed love?

"stop hoping vainly,those emotions of his aren't for you." Jaehyun mumbled under his breath,trying to ignore the sorrow expression of Taeyong,"shouldn't I be the sad one?" he sighed mentally.

Guess it's just time to end everything,seems like we can't go any further now. All the ambiguous interactions,the careful touches,the affections that shouldn't appear between friends....

"Hey,why don't you stay for another night? take your time and have some rest,everything is going to be alright."

He responded with a dull nod.

Jaehyun ruffled Taeyong's hair softly and collected both mugs back to the kitchen with a gentle smile.

After washing the cups,placing them back to the cabinet,he fished his phone out and called an unfamiliar number.

"Aye Yuta,"He gulped as his Adam's apple went up and down furtively, " Taeyong is at my place now."

love is when they're sleeping on your arm or leg,and it starts to get numb and pain,but you don't even consider moving because it might wake them up

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