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"Welcome back!"

A buoyant greeting flabbergasted Jaehyun,making him retreat a few steps.

"You didn't reply to my messages,so I used the kitchen without your permission,if you don't mind...?"

Taeyong placed his apron on the sofa,pacing towards the confused house owner with a bright smile.

Jaehyun scratched his nape as the view in front brushed away his deep concerns,trying to refrain himself from smirking like a dork,"...Yeah-I mean-sure,you can use the kitchen,and-uh thanks for the food you really don't need to I-"

Taeyong stopped the suddenly rapping Jaehyun with his handmade kimbap,"ok you need to chill,let's dig in!"

Jaehyun could only nod gleefully with a mouthful of amazing taste.

A harmonious dinner was indeed enjoyed by both,but deep inside Jaehyun knew this wouldn't work,it wouldn't last long.

The only thing he could do was appreciate and cherish every moment left.

If Taeyong likes Yuta and Yuta likes Taeyong,it'll be cruel when he chooses selfishness.

Settled down on the lengthened couch,the movie wasn't intriguing to Jaehyun at all. He pasted whole blank on his profile,and that was obvious enough for Taeyong to notice.

"Jaehyun-ah,is there something bothering you?"

Taeyong lowered the tv volume and faced the nonchalant boy,but the latter didn't seem to have any sign of speaking. Taeyong couldn't come up with better solutions,turning his head back to the switched on machine,frustrated but worried.

Jaehyun spared a glance to his hair whorl awhile,staring at the extremely close figure that he could easily encircle with his arms.

Inhaled deeply, he uttered,"Yuta hyung…you guys are still a thing, right?"

Taeyong froze at the sudden bomb drop,he stuttered panically under Jaehyun's unfathomable stares,his voice were unable to come out as he expected.

"...well I guess I see the answer."

No,you don't.
Neither do I know the answer myself.

Taeyong was shouting inside while staying completely rigid on the outside.

"and excuse me for a minute,nature calling." Jaehyun left without any eye contact,locking his eyes to the marble floor.

He feel nothing;he feel like nothing.

Cigarettes and Tea | JaeyongWhere stories live. Discover now