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The clerk courtly pushed Taeyongs credit card back to him,"Sir,your bills are already paid."

"Huh?By who??" He lifted his head in ignorance.

"By me."Jaehyun furtively sneaked behind him and whispered to his right ear.

That deep airy voice blended with alcohol besieged his sobriety,striking him all in a heap.

Jaehyun grabbed the yet buffering Taeyong firmly,leading him out of the restaurant.

It was almost eleven as they roamed down the streets back to Taeyong's,they disputed for awhile at first about who should pay but let it fade eventually, their voices were distinct under the silent darkness.

When they finally arrived at his door,Taera coincidentally opened it and bumped into Taeyong,she stuttered,"…Oh my god Taeyong you're back???"

"What's the problem with that?" Taeyong frowned in a loss,"Am I not allowed to come back or something?"

"Uhm...You know Mom and Dad had a vacation," Taera nervously averted her eyes away from him,"so... Doyoung might be staying over night ugh…"

"EXCUSE ME??!?" Taeyong petrified against the sudden information,"I don't want to see or hear you guys being cute and annoying at the same time! Wtf do I have no right in this house???"

"Ughhh Sorry dude,just sleep at Jaehyun's or somewhere else,gotta go." She shut the door after showing him a radiant smile,leaving both of them dumbfounded.

Taeyong scratched his nape under the mysteriously awkward atmosphere,comprehending the drastically changed situation.

"So....can I stay at yours tonight?"


arghhhh I wanna ask if anyone wants to see other ships sail or more jaeyongs

please comment ♡♡♡

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