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Jaehyun and Taeyong separated at the intersection,dividing into two directions after they bid goodbye.

Taeyong felt like he found the missing piece of his heart.

The warm feelings Yuta once gave him filled the vacancy again,by nobody else but Jaehyun.

Is he being unfaithful now?
It can't be...

He nonchalantly wandered,realizing he was already standing two meters away from Yuta's front gate;he had an urge to talk to him.

Hesitated,he paced towards and inserted the back-up key Yuta gave him before.

"Winko,are you staying here tonight?"

"To be honest,I don't know..."

He heard Yuta and an unknown voice chatting in the living room.

He shouldn't be eavesdropping on them,but his mind persuaded him to walk gingerly instead.

"Pleasepleaseplease~~~~" Yuta cuddled Winwin on the couch,who had all his attention focused on his phone playing games.

Taeyong felt his heart skipped a beat,the gratifications before collapsed theatrically within a blink of an eye.

Winwin stayed silence putting his phone down and crooked his neck as a stretch.

Diffidence arose as he thoughtlessly glanced at the reflection in the mirror,he saw Lee Taeyong.

"...I-I'll leav- " Winwin stuttered but was interrupted.

That moment,all those memories of the god damn party flowed back in Taeyong's head in relay.

"No need."

That's when Yuta finally realized Taeyong had seen everything.


I think this story is gonna end soon(?

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