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Jaehyun pushed the door open and waited for Taeyong to enter before gently closing it.

"Table for two please."

The waitress led them to a seat nearby a floor-to-ceiling window,the view of Hangang reflecting the ostentatioun of Seoul city was indeed breathtaking,grasping Taeyong's full attention.

"How did you find this place?This is amazing!"

Jaehyun smirked at Taeyong's lovable reaction,"I saw it on my way to the park,it just occurred to me that we should come together."

"Jae,I-I'm really-"

"Please stop saying sorry." He sighed,"The best way to repay me is to eat happily from now on."

Taeyong replied with a genuine smile then waved at the waiter for their orders.

"We'll have a samgyeopsal combo, galbi,yukgaejang....and soondubu stew." He lifted his head from the menu,"Jae,you ok with that?"

Normally,Taeyong would ask the others before considering himself, "he must have been starving."Jaehyun thought to himself,eyes attached to the man in front with a serene expression.

"Yeah sure, and two bottles of soju please."

He was never the kind that liked alcohol,but somehow he wanted to indulge in liquor this time.

Maybe it was because of the thought that he wasn't important enough for Taeyong to reject other things for their date.

Maybe it was because of he tried, nevertheless,tasted the frustration and desperation profoundly.

Or maybe, he was just forcing himself to smile too much.

Tired of constantly chasing,waiting and repeating.

Taeyong stealthily scanned Jaehyun's face again,which was yet unreadable to him.

"I know you can't drink too much,but I just really need some soju today."

No matter how hard he pushed himself,he is still human
- he has a mess in his head and a Tsunami in his heart.

Cigarettes and Tea | JaeyongWhere stories live. Discover now